229 lines
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229 lines
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#ifndef BAST_H_
#define BAST_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include "variants.h"
#include "bucket.h"
#include "piece.h"
#include "bearing.h"
#include "input.h"
* entry point *
* runs the Bastet game
void tetris_bastet(void);
* types *
typedef struct tetris_bastet_scorepair_t
tetris_piece_shape_t shape;
int16_t nScore;
typedef struct tetris_bastet_variant_t
uint16_t nScore; /** score of the player */
uint16_t nHighscore; /** highscore */
uint16_t nHighscoreName; /** champion's initials */
uint8_t nLevel; /** current level */
uint16_t nLines; /** number of completed lines */
tetris_piece_t *pPreviewPiece; /** the piece for the preview */
tetris_bucket_t *pBucket; /** bucket to be examined */
int8_t *pActualColScoreImpact; /** score impact of every column*/
int8_t *pColHeights; /** predicted column heights */
tetris_bastet_scorepair_t nPieceScore[7]; /** score for every piece */
tetris_variant_t const tetrisBastetVariant;
* construction/destruction *
* constructs a bastet instance for a given bucket
* @param pBucket the bucket to be observed
* @return pointer to a newly created bastet instance
void* tetris_bastet_construct(tetris_bucket_t *pBucket);
* destructs the given bastet instance
* @param pVariantData the bastet instance to be destroyed
void tetris_bastet_destruct(void *pVariantData);
* bastet related functions *
* calculates a score for a piece at a given column
* @param pBastet the bastet instance of interest
* @param pPiece the piece to be tested
* @param nColum the column where the piece should be dropped
* @return score for the given move
int16_t tetris_bastet_evaluateMove(tetris_bastet_variant_t *pBastet,
tetris_piece_t *pPiece,
int8_t nColumn);
* calculates the best possible score for every piece
* @param pBastet the bastet instance of interest
void tetris_bastet_evaluatePieces(tetris_bastet_variant_t *pBastet);
* chooses a new worst possible piece
* @param pVariantData the variant instance of interest
* @return a tetris piece
tetris_piece_t* tetris_bastet_choosePiece(void *pBastet);
* chooses a new (best possible) piece for the preview
* @param pVariantData the variant instance of interest
* @return a tetris piece
tetris_piece_t* tetris_bastet_choosePreviewPiece(void *pBastet);
* add points which result from single step dropping
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want to modify
* @param nLines the number of rows involved
void tetris_bastet_singleDrop(void *pVariantData,
uint8_t nLines);
* add points which result from a complete drop
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want to modify
* @param nLines the number of rows involved
void tetris_bastet_completeDrop(void *pVariantData,
uint8_t nLines);
* add points which result from removed rows
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want to modify
* @param nRowMask bit mask of removed lines
void tetris_bastet_removedLines(void *pVariantData,
uint8_t nRowMask);
* get/set functions *
* returns the current score
* @param pVariantData variant data object we want information from
* @return score
uint16_t tetris_bastet_getScore(void *pVariantData);
* returns the current highscore
* @param pVariantData variant data object we want information from
* @return highscore
uint16_t tetris_bastet_getHighscore(void *pVariantData);
* set highscore
* @param pVariantData variant data object we want to modify
* @param nHighscore highscore
void tetris_bastet_setHighscore(void *pVariantData,
uint16_t nHighscore);
* returns the current highscore name
* @param pVariantData variant data object we want information from
* @return champion's name packed as uint16_t
uint16_t tetris_bastet_getHighscoreName(void *pVariantData);
* set highscore name
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want to modify
* @param nHighscoreName champion's name packed as uint16_t
void tetris_bastet_setHighscoreName(void *pVariantData,
uint16_t nHighscoreName);
* returns the current level
* @param pVariantData variant data object we want information from
* @return the level as uint8_t
uint8_t tetris_bastet_getLevel(void *pVariantData);
* returns the number of completed lines
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want information from
* @return number of completed lines
uint16_t tetris_bastet_getLines(void *pVariantData);
* returns piece which was set via tetris_std_setPreviewPiece
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want information from
* @return the piece intended to be the next one
tetris_piece_t* tetris_bastet_getPreviewPiece(void *pVariantData);
* retrieves the variant's highscore index
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want information from
tetris_highscore_index_t tetris_bastet_getHighscoreIndex(void *pVariantData);
* informs the bastet instance about the player's last move
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want to modify
* @param inCmd player's last command
void tetris_bastet_setLastInput(void *pVariantData,
tetris_input_command_t inCmd);
* returns the bearing which is requested by the Bastet instance (always 0)
* @param pVariantData the variant data object we want information from
* @return always TETRIS_BEARING_0 as we don't change the bearing in Bastet
tetris_bearing_t tetris_bastet_getBearing(void *pVariantData);
#endif /* BAST_H_ */