First try at converting .bdf fonts

This commit is contained in:
Stefan `Sec` Zehl 2011-05-23 01:10:37 +02:00
parent 4ee3f4f3e2
commit 78e121337f

View file

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
# - <> or
# - <>
use GD;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Module::Load;
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ my ($verbose,$raw);
my $size=18;
my $font="../ttf/Ubuntu-Regular.ttf";
GetOptions ("size=i" => \$size, # numeric
"font=s" => \$font, # string
@ -56,85 +57,32 @@ HELP
### Code starts here.
my $width=5000;
my $height=100;
my $xoff=90;
my $origsize;
my $c1size;
my $c2size;
my ($title,$licence)=getfontname($font);
die "Couldn't get font name?" if !defined $title;
our ($licence);
our ($title,$fonts);
our ($heightb,$heightpx);
$title.=" ${size}pt";
@charlist=sort { $a <=> $b } @charlist;
my $fonts=$title;
$fonts=~s/[ -]//g;
die "No font name?" if !defined $title;
my $file=$fonts;
$file.="-raw" if($raw);
print "Rasterizing $title into ${file}.c\n";
print "Writing $title to ${file}.c\n";
@charlist=sort { $a <=> $b } @charlist;
my $charlist=join("",map {chr $_} @charlist);
### Get & optimize bounding box
my $im = new GD::Image($width,$height);
my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
my @bounds = $im->stringFT(-$black, $font, $size, 0, 0, $xoff,$charlist);
my ($mx,$my)=($bounds[2],$bounds[3]);
my ($top,$bottom)=($bounds[7],$my);
die "Increase width" if $mx>$width;
die "Increase height" if $my>$width;
die "Increase xoff" if $bounds[7]<0;
my $found;
# Cut whitespace at top
do {
for my $x (0..$mx){
if( $im->getPixel($x,$top) == 1){
# Cut whitespace at bottom.
do {
for my $x (0..$mx){
if( $im->getPixel($x,$bottom) == 1){
my $pxsize=$bottom-$top+1;
my $byte=int(($pxsize-1)/8)+1; # Round up
print "Removed ",$top-$bounds[7],"px at top\n";
print "Removed ",$my-$bottom,"px at bottom\n";
print "Chars are ",$bottom-$top+1,"px ($byte bytes) high\n";
$heightb=int(($heightpx-1)/8)+1; # Round up
print "Chars are ",$heightpx,"px ($heightb bytes) high\n";
open (C,">",$file.".c")||die;
if(defined $licence){
$licence=~s/\n/\n * /g;
$licence="\n/* ".$licence."\n */";
@ -158,32 +106,18 @@ EOF
my $offset=0;
my $maxsz=0;
my @offsets;
for (1..length$charlist){
my $char=substr($charlist,$_-1,1);
# create a new image
$im = new GD::Image(2*$height,$height);
$white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
$black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
@bounds = $im->stringFT(-$black, $font, $size, 0, 0, $xoff,$char.$charlist);
my @char;
for my $y ($top..$bottom){
for my $x (0..($bounds[2]-$mx)){
my $px= $im->getPixel($x,$y);
# $px=~y/01/ */; print $px;
# print "<\n";
for (0..$#charlist){
my $char=chr $charlist[$_];
print "### Start $char\n" if($verbose);
# my @char=render_ttf($_);
my @char=render_bdf($_);
print C " /* Char ",ord $char," is ",scalar@char,"px wide \@ $offset */\n";
$maxsz=scalar@char if scalar@char > $maxsz;
$origsize+=$byte * scalar @char;
$origsize+=$heightb * scalar @char;
# Whoops. Characters are upside down.
for (@char){
@ -206,13 +140,13 @@ for (1..length$charlist){
my @raw;
### Raw character data
for (@char){
my $h= pack("B*",$_).(chr(0).chr(0));
for my $b (1..$byte){
for my $b (1..$heightb){
push @raw,ord(substr($h,$b-1,1));
@ -238,7 +172,7 @@ for (1..length$charlist){
(shift@out), (shift@out), (shift@out);
for (@char){
print C " ";
printf C "0x%02x, ",shift@out for(1..$byte);
printf C "0x%02x, ",shift@out for(1..$heightb);
$_=~y/01/ */;
print C " /* $_ */ \n";
@ -305,12 +239,12 @@ const struct FONT_DEF Font_$fonts = {
%3d, /* last char */
%s, %s, %s
printf C "\n";
printf C "/* Font metadata: \n";
printf C " * Name: %s\n", $title;
printf C " * Height: %d px (%d bytes)\n", $bottom-$top+1,$byte;
printf C " * Height: %d px (%d bytes)\n", $heightpx,$heightb;
printf C " * Maximum width: %d px\n",$maxsz;
printf C " * Storage size: %d bytes (compressed by %2d%%)\n",
@ -331,7 +265,7 @@ print "\n";
print "Original size: $origsize\n";
print "Simple compression: $c1size\n";
print "PK compression: $c2size\n";
print "Maximum character size is: $byte*$maxsz bytes\n";
print "Maximum character size is: $heightb*$maxsz bytes\n";
@ -461,7 +395,7 @@ sub make_bytes{
sub do_pk {
my $char=shift;
my $size=scalar @$char * $byte;
my $size=scalar @$char * $heightb;
print "Input char is $size bytes\n" if $verbose;
@ -556,3 +490,178 @@ sub getfontname {
return $fontname;
our $bdf;
our %chars;
sub init_bdf{
open($bdf,"<",$font) || die;
/^PIXEL_SIZE (.*)/ && do { $heightpx=$1;$heightpx+=0;};
# /^FONT_ASCENT (.*)/ && do {$fonta=$1};
# /^FONT_DESCENT (\d+)/ && do {$fontd=$1;$byte=int(($fonta+$fontd-1)/8)+1;print "This will be a $byte byte font\n";};
# /^DWIDTH (\d+) (\d+)/ && do {$width=$1;die "H-offset?" if $2!=0};
/^FACE_NAME "(.*)"/ && do {$font=$1;};
/^COPYRIGHT "(.*)"/ && do {$licence=$1;};
/^FAMILY_NAME "(.*)"/ && do {$title=$1;};
/^FONTBOUNDINGBOX (\d+) (\d+)/ && do {$bb="$1x$2";};
$fonts=~s/[ -]//g;
/^ENDCHAR/ && do {
warn "Char $ccode has strange height?\n" if ($#bchar+1 != $bbh);
for (1..$bby){
push @bchar,("0"x$bbw);
for (@bchar){
my $tw=length($bchar[0]);
my $th=$#bchar;
my @tchar;
for my $xw (1..$tw){
my $pix="";
for my $yw (0..$th){
push @tchar,$pix;
# print "Char: $ccode:\n",join("\n",@tchar),"\nEND\n";
my $x=unpack("B*",pack("H*",$_));
push @bchar,$x;
# $x=~y/01/ */;
# print $x,"\n";
/^BITMAP/ && do {$inchar=1;};
/^ENCODING (.*)/ && do {$ccode=$1; };
/^BBX (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) ([-\d]+)/ && do {$bbw=$1;$bbh=$2;$bbx=$3;$bby=$4;};
sub render_bdf{
my $ccode=$charlist[shift];
my $tchar=$chars{$ccode};
print "Char: $ccode:\n",join("\n",@{$tchar}),"\nEND\n";
return @{$tchar};
sub init_ttf {
load GD;
die "Couldn't get font name?" if !defined $title;
$title.=" ${size}pt";
$fonts=~s/[ -]//g;
$charlist=join("",map {chr $_} @charlist);
### Get & optimize bounding box
my $im = new GD::Image($width,$height);
my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
my @bounds = $im->stringFT(-$black, $font, $size, 0, 0, $xoff,$charlist);
die "Increase width" if $mx>$width;
die "Increase height" if $my>$width;
die "Increase xoff" if $bounds[7]<0;
my $found;
# Cut whitespace at top
do {
for my $x (0..$mx){
if( $im->getPixel($x,$top) == 1){
# Cut whitespace at bottom.
do {
for my $x (0..$mx){
if( $im->getPixel($x,$bottom) == 1){
print "Removed ",$top-$bounds[7],"px at top\n";
print "Removed ",$my-$bottom,"px at bottom\n";
sub render_ttf{
my $char=substr($charlist,shift,1);
# create a new image
my $im = new GD::Image(2*$height,$height);
my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
my @bounds = $im->stringFT(-$black, $font, $size, 0, 0, $xoff,$char.$charlist);
my @char;
for my $y ($top..$bottom){
for my $x (0..($bounds[2]-$mx)){
my $px= $im->getPixel($x,$y);
# $px=~y/01/ */; print $px;
# print "<\n";
return @char;