2011-05-14 22:51:14 +02:00

424 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use GD;
use strict;
use warnings;
# printf "%3d | %-10s | %-10s\n",
# $_,
# join(" ",map {sprintf "%x",$_} (0,pk_encode_long($_))),
# join(" ",map {sprintf "%x",$_} pk_encode_long($_+16));
use constant VERBOSE=>0;
### Configure me
my $charlist;
$charlist.=chr $_;
my $size=shift||17;
my ($font,$title);
$title="Bitstream Vera Sans ".$size."pt";
#$title="Comic Sans ".$size."pt";
### Code starts here.
my $width=2000;
my $height=100;
my $xoff=30;
my $origsize;
my $c1size;
my $c2size;
my $fonts=$title;
$fonts=~s/ //g;
my $file=$fonts;
### Get & optimize bounding box
my $im = new GD::Image($width,$height);
my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
my @bounds = $im->stringFT(-$black, $font, $size, 0, 0, $xoff,$charlist);
my ($mx,$my)=($bounds[2],$bounds[3]);
my ($top,$bottom)=($bounds[7],$my);
die "Increase width" if $mx>$width;
die "Increase height" if $my>$width;
die "Increase xoff" if $bounds[7]<0;
my $found;
# Cut whitespace at top
do {
for my $x (0..$mx){
if( $im->getPixel($x,$top) == 1){
# Cut whitespace at bottom.
do {
for my $x (0..$mx){
if( $im->getPixel($x,$bottom) == 1){
my $pxsize=$bottom-$top+1;
my $byte=int(($pxsize-1)/8)+1; # Round up
print "Removed ",$top-$bounds[7],"px at top\n";
print "Removed ",$my-$bottom,"px at bottom\n";
print "Chars are ",$bottom-$top+1,"px ($byte bytes) high\n";
#print "x: $bounds[6] - $bounds[2]\n";
#print "y: $bounds[7] - $bounds[3]\n";
open (C,">",$file.".c")||die;
open (H,">",$file.".h")||die;
print C <<EOF
#include "$file.h"
/* Font data for $title */
/* Bitmaps */
const uint8_t ${fonts}Bitmaps[] = {
my $offset=0;
my $maxsz=0;
my @offsets;
for (1..length$charlist){
my $char=substr($charlist,$_-1,1);
# create a new image
$im = new GD::Image(2*$height,$height);
$white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
$black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
@bounds = $im->stringFT(-$black, $font, $size, 0, 0, $xoff,$char.$charlist);
my @char;
for my $y ($top..$bottom){
for my $x (0..($bounds[2]-$mx)){
my $px= $im->getPixel($x,$y);
# $px=~y/01/ */; print $px;
# print "<\n";
print "### Start $char\n" if(VERBOSE);
print C " /* Char ",ord $char," is ",scalar@char,"px wide \@ $offset */\n";
$maxsz=scalar@char if scalar@char > $maxsz;
$origsize+=$byte * scalar @char;
# Whoops. Characters are upside down.
for (@char){
$_=reverse $_;
### PK compression
my @enc=do_pk(\@char);
### Lame compression
# "compress" blank spaces
my $preblank=0;
while(defined $char[1] && $char[0]=~/^0+$/){
my $postblank=0;
while($#char>0 && $char[$#char]=~/^0+$/){
my @raw;
### Raw character data
for (@char){
my $h= pack("B*",$_).(chr(0).chr(0));
for my $b (1..$byte){
push @raw,ord(substr($h,$b-1,1));
# Maintenance overhead
# If encoding is bigger, fall back to original char
my $rawpretty=0;
warn "Compression failure: Encoding char $char raw.\n";
# Generate C source
my @out=@enc;
printf C " 0x%02x, %2d, %2d, /* rawmode, preblank, postblank */\n",
(shift@out), (shift@out), (shift@out);
for (@char){
print C " ";
printf C "0x%02x, ",shift@out for(1..$byte);
$_=~y/01/ */;
print C " /* $_ */ \n";
for (@char){
$_=~y/01/ */;
print C " /* $_ */ \n";
my $pretty=0;
print C " " if($pretty==0);
printf C "0x%02x, ",$_;
print C "\n" ;
print C "\n";
push @offsets,sprintf " {%2d}, /* %s */\n",scalar(@enc),$char;
print C "\n";
print "-"x80,"\n";
print C <<EOF;
/* Character descriptors */
const FONT_CHAR_INFO ${fonts}Lengths[] = {
print C @offsets;
my($first)=ord substr($charlist,0,1);
printf C "};
/* Font info */
const struct FONT_DEF Font_$fonts = {
%3d, /* width (1 == comressed) */
%3d, /* character height */
%3d, /* first char */
%3d, /* last char */
%s, %s
print H <<EOF;
#include "fonts.h"
extern const struct FONT_DEF Font_$fonts;
print "\ndone.\n\n";
print "Original size: $origsize\n";
print "Simple compression: $c1size\n";
print "PK compression: $c2size\n";
print "Maximum character size: $byte*$maxsz bytes\n";
# subs
sub pk_dedup {
my $char=shift;
my @echar=@{$char};
# for (@echar){ print "dedup_in: $_\n"; };
my $idx=0;
# dupline code can't deal with all-0 or all-1 dupe lines
next if ($echar[$idx]=~/^(.)(\1)+$/);
if($echar[$idx-1] eq $echar[$idx]){
my $dl=1;
$dl++ while ($dl<$#echar && $echar[$idx] eq $echar[$idx+$dl]);
# print "dupline found\n";
if( $echar[$idx-1]=~ s/01/0[$dl]1/ ){
}elsif ($echar[$idx-1]=~ s/10/1[$dl]0/){
die "Shouldn't happen: Can't encode dupline?";
$idx+=$dl; # Skip deduped lines.
@echar=grep {defined $_} @echar;
return \@echar;
sub pk_rle {
my $char=shift;
my $line=join("",@$char);;
my $fpx=substr($line,0,1);
warn "first pixel ==1 - Encoder will do stupid things..." if $fpx ==1 ;
my @out;
push @out,length($1);
push @out,$2 if defined $2;
push @out,length($3);
push @out,$4 if defined $4;
pop @out if ($out[$#out]==0); # Remove trailling zero
# print "rle: ",join(",",@out),"\n";
return @out;
### Encode a "long run", i.e. big number
sub pk_encode_long {
my $n=shift;
my @packed;
unshift @packed,$n%16;
for my $undef (1..$#packed){
unshift @packed,0;
return @packed;
### Encode RLE data (with included repeat counts) into a nybble stream
### PK has "dyn" per-character, but for our font size encoding a dyn per
### character needs more space than it saves, so it's fixed for now.
sub pk_encode {
my @out=@_;
my $dyn=12;
my @enc;
for (@out){
if($_ =~ /\[(\d+)\]/ ){
if($1 == 1){
push @enc,15;
my $n=$1-1; # this deviates from PK spec, i think.
push @enc,14,pk_encode_long($1-1);
}elsif($_ == 0){
warn "Encoder asked to encode a zero?"; # Shouldn't happen.
}elsif($_ <= $dyn){ # Short length
push @enc,$_;
}elsif($_ <= 16*(13-$dyn)+$dyn){ # Medium length
my $b=($_-$dyn-1)&0x0f;
my $a=(($_-$dyn-1)>>4)+$dyn+1;
push @enc,$a,$b; # (16*($a-$dyn-1)+$b+$dyn+1
}else{ # long length
my $n=$_- (16*(13-$dyn)+$dyn) + 16;
push @enc,pk_encode_long($n);
# print "enc: ",join(",",@enc),"\n";
return @enc;
sub make_bytes{
my @enc=@_;
my @out;
push @enc,0 if($#enc==2);
push @out,16*(shift@enc)+(shift@enc);
return @out;
sub do_pk {
my $char=shift;
my $size=scalar @$char * $byte;
print "Input char is $size bytes\n" if VERBOSE;
for (@$char){
print "dedup: $_\n";
my @rle=pk_rle ($char);
print "RLE: ",join(",",@rle),"\n";
my @enc=pk_encode (@rle);
print "encoded stream: ",join(",",@enc),"\n";
return make_bytes(@enc);