
165 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2017-11-28 21:03:38 +00:00
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
// Pattern types supported:
2018-01-09 18:04:19 +00:00
2017-11-28 21:03:38 +00:00
// Patern directions supported:
enum direction { FORWARD, REVERSE };
class NeoPatterns : public Adafruit_NeoPixel
NeoPatterns(uint16_t pixels, uint8_t pin, uint8_t type, void (*callback)());
void Update();
void Reverse();
void None(uint8_t interval = 40);
void Stop(uint8_t interval = 40);
void RainbowCycle(uint8_t interval, direction dir = FORWARD);
void RainbowCycleUpdate();
void TheaterChase(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, uint8_t interval, direction dir = FORWARD);
void TheaterChaseUpdate();
void ColorWipe(uint32_t color, uint8_t interval, direction dir = FORWARD);
void ColorWipeUpdate();
void Scanner(uint32_t color1 = 16711680, uint8_t interval = 40, bool colorful = false, bool spiral = false);
void ScannerUpdate();
void Fade(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, uint16_t steps, uint8_t interval, direction dir = FORWARD);
void FadeUpdate();
void RandomFade(uint8_t interval = 100);
void RandomFadeUpdate();
void RandomFadeSingle(uint8_t interval = 100, uint8_t speed = 5);
void RandomFadeSingleUpdate();
void RandomBuffer();
void Random();
void Smooth(uint8_t wheelSpeed = 16, uint8_t smoothing = 80, uint8_t strength = 50, uint8_t interval = 40);
void SmoothUpdate();
void Plasma(float phase = 0, float phaseIncrement = 0.08, float colorStretch = 0.11, uint8_t interval = 60); // 0.08 and 0.11 // 0.03 und 0.3
void PlasmaUpdate();
2018-01-09 18:04:19 +00:00
void Radar(float radarspeed = 1,float radarthickness = 1, uint8_t interval = 50);
void RadarUpdate();
2017-11-28 21:03:38 +00:00
void SetColor1(uint32_t color);
void SetColor2(uint32_t color);
void ColorSet(uint32_t color);
2018-01-03 00:07:32 +00:00
struct box
int left;
int middle;
int right;
struct box boxs[25];
2018-01-09 18:04:19 +00:00
uint8_t boxcircle[32][4]={
{0,0,0,0}, //0
{5,6,7,8}, //3
{12,13,13,13}, //5
{18,19,20,29}, //10
{24,31,32,33}, //13
{255,255,255,255}, //15
{255,255,255,255}, //16
{35,43,44,48}, //19
{255,255,255,255}, //22
{58,59,60,60}, //27
{69,69,69,69} //31
2018-01-03 00:07:32 +00:00
void setupboxs();
2017-12-07 23:05:49 +00:00
void colorBox(uint8_t boxid, uint32_t c);
2018-01-09 18:04:19 +00:00
void colorCircleSegment(uint8_t segmentid, uint32_t c);
2017-11-28 21:03:38 +00:00
void ColorSetParameters(String parameters);
uint8_t Red(uint32_t color);
uint8_t Green(uint32_t color);
uint8_t Blue(uint32_t color);
uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos);
uint8_t numToSpiralPos(int num);
uint8_t xyToPos(int x, int y);
uint8_t numToPos(int num);
uint8_t getAverage(uint8_t array[], uint8_t i, int x, int y);
uint32_t parseColor(String value);
// Member Variables:
pattern ActivePattern; // which pattern is running
pattern SavedPattern;
direction Direction; // direction to run the pattern
direction SavedDirection;
unsigned long Interval; // milliseconds between updates
unsigned long SavedInterval;
unsigned long lastUpdate; // last update of position
uint32_t Color1, Color2; // What colors are in use
uint32_t SavedColor1;
uint16_t TotalSteps; // total number of steps in the pattern
uint16_t SavedTotalSteps;
uint16_t Index; // current step within the pattern
uint16_t SavedIndex;
uint8_t Every; // Turn every "Every" pixel in Color1/Color2
byte wPos;
bool colorful;
bool spiral;
uint8_t wPosSlow;
uint8_t WheelSpeed;
uint8_t Smoothing;
uint8_t Strength;
uint8_t movingPoint_x;
uint8_t movingPoint_y;
uint8_t *pixelR;
uint8_t *pixelG;
uint8_t *pixelB;
uint8_t *pixelR_buffer;
uint8_t *pixelG_buffer;
uint8_t *pixelB_buffer;
float PlasmaPhase;
float SavedPlasmaPhase;
float PlasmaPhaseIncrement;
float SavedPlasmaPhaseIncrement;
float PlasmaColorStretch;
float SavedPlasmaColorStretch;
2018-01-09 18:04:19 +00:00
float Radarposition;
float Radarspeed;
float Radarthickness;
float Radarfadelength;
float Radardotposition;
uint8_t Radardotbrightness;
uint8_t Radardotfadespeed;
2017-11-28 21:03:38 +00:00
uint32_t DimColor(uint32_t color);
void Increment();
void (*OnComplete)(); // Callback on completion of pattern
// Convenient 2D point structure
struct Point {
float x;
float y;