#include #include #include #include #include "NeoPatterns.h" #define PIN D6 #define NUMPIXELS 81 NeoPatterns strip = NeoPatterns(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ400, &StripComplete); // NeoPatterns strip = NeoPatterns(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_RGB + NEO_KHZ400, &StripComplete); HomieNode homieNode("pixel", "commands"); // Timeout, wann die Verbindung als "zurückgesetzt" angesehen werden soll und wieder auf das erste Byte gewartet wird #define TIMEOUT 500 #define FW_NAME "esp-videoswitcher" #define FW_VERSION "1.0.0" SoftwareSerial swSer(D2, D1); int currentnumber = 0; int inputbytes[4]; int commandbytes[4]; String output = ""; String output2 = ""; HomieNode switchNode("switch", "switch"); void StripComplete(){ return; } bool onSetColor(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { if (!range.isRange || range.index < 0 || range.index > 1) { return false; } switch (range.index) { case 0: strip.SetColor1(value.toInt()); break; case 1: strip.SetColor2(value.toInt()); break; } homieNode.setProperty("color_" + String(range.index)).send(value); } bool onSetPixel(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { if (!range.isRange) { strip.None(); strip.ColorSet(value.toInt()); homieNode.setProperty("pixel").send(value); return true; } if (range.index < 0 || range.index > strip.numPixels() - 1) { return false; } strip.None(); strip.setPixelColor(range.index, value.toInt()); strip.show(); homieNode.setProperty("pixel_" + String(range.index)).send(value); } bool onSetBrightness(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { long brightness = value.toInt(); if (brightness < 0 || brightness > 255) { return false; } strip.setBrightness(brightness); strip.show(); homieNode.setProperty("brightness").send(value); } bool onSetPixels(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { String remaining = value; int i = 0; // Kein Effekt strip.Stop(); do { String current = remaining.substring(0, 7); Homie.getLogger() << i << ":" << current << endl; uint32_t currentcolor = strip.parseColor(current); strip.setPixelColor(strip.numToPos(i), currentcolor); i++; remaining = remaining.substring(7); } while (remaining.length() > 2 && (i < strip.numPixels())); Homie.getLogger() << " filling rest with black" << endl; while (i < strip.numPixels()) { strip.setPixelColor(strip.numToPos(i), strip.Color(0, 0, 0)); i++; } strip.show(); return true; } bool onSetEffect(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { String effect = value; effect.toLowerCase(); if (effect == "scanner") { strip.Scanner(strip.Color(255, 0, 0)); } else if (effect == "randomscanner") { strip.Scanner(strip.Color(255, 0, 0), 40, true); } else if (effect == "larsonspiral") { strip.Scanner(strip.Color(255, 0, 0), 40, true, true); } else if (effect == "rainbowcycle") { strip.RainbowCycle(50); } else if (effect == "theaterchase" || effect == "chase") { strip.TheaterChase(strip.Color(255, 0, 0), strip.Color(0, 0, 255), 100); } else if (effect == "fade") { strip.Fade(strip.Color(255, 0, 0), strip.Color(0, 0, 255), 200, 100); } else if (effect == "randomfade") { strip.RandomFade(); } else if (effect == "random") { strip.Random(); } else if (effect == "smooth") { //example: smooth|[wheelspeed]|[smoothing]|[strength] wheelspeed=1-255, smoothing=0-100, strength=1-255 strip.Smooth(16, 80, 50, 40); } else if (effect == "plasma") { strip.Plasma(); } else { // Test whether command with parameters was sent int sep = value.indexOf("|"); String command = value.substring(0, sep); String parameters = value.substring(sep + 1); if (command.equals("fill")) { strip.ColorSetParameters(parameters); } else if (command.equals("randomfade")) { int sepparam = parameters.indexOf("|"); int p1 = parameters.substring(0, sepparam).toInt(); if (p1 <= 0) { p1 = 5; } strip.RandomFadeSingle(p1); } else { strip.None(); } } homieNode.setProperty("effect").send(value); } bool onSetClear(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { strip.None(); strip.clear(); strip.show(); homieNode.setProperty("clear").send(value); } bool onSetLength(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { strip.None(); strip.clear(); strip.show(); int newLength = value.toInt(); if (newLength > 0) { strip.updateLength(newLength); } homieNode.setProperty("length").send(value); } bool switchHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { Homie.getLogger() << "switch " << ": " << value << endl; int localByte = 0; int lastspace = 0; int nextspace = 0; while (nextspace < value.length()-1) { // Nur solange wir noch Platz für Inputbytes haben... :) if (localByte <= 3) { nextspace = value.indexOf(' ', lastspace); commandbytes[localByte] = (value.substring(lastspace,nextspace)).toInt(); lastspace = nextspace+1; localByte++; } } if (localByte ==4) { // Nur wenn wirklich 4 Werte übernommen wurden switchNode.setProperty("switch").send(value); // Sende an das Gerät swSer.write(commandbytes[0]); swSer.write(commandbytes[1]); swSer.write(commandbytes[2]); swSer.write(commandbytes[3]); } else { commandbytes[0] = 0; commandbytes[1] = 0; commandbytes[2] = 0; commandbytes[3] = 0; switchNode.setProperty("switch").send("ERROR"); } return true; } void loopHandler() { strip.Update(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); swSer.begin(9600); Serial.println("\nKramer VS-162AV"); Homie_setFirmware(FW_NAME, FW_VERSION); Homie_setBrand(FW_NAME); Homie.setLoopFunction(loopHandler); switchNode.advertise("switch").settable(switchHandler); homieNode.advertiseRange("pixel", 0, NUMPIXELS - 1).settable(onSetPixel); homieNode.advertiseRange("color", 0, 1).settable(onSetColor); homieNode.advertise("brightness").settable(onSetBrightness); homieNode.advertise("effect").settable(onSetEffect); homieNode.advertise("clear").settable(onSetClear); homieNode.advertise("length").settable(onSetLength); homieNode.advertiseRange("pixels", 0, (NUMPIXELS - 1)*7).settable(onSetPixels); Homie.setup(); strip.begin(); strip.clear(); strip.show(); ArduinoOTA.setHostname(Homie.getConfiguration().deviceId); ArduinoOTA.begin(); } void loop() { Homie.loop(); ArduinoOTA.handle(); while (swSer.available() > 0) { int r1 = swSer.read(); Serial.print(currentnumber); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(r1); Serial.print(" "); inputbytes[currentnumber] = r1; output += String(r1, DEC); output += " "; if (currentnumber == 3) { switchNode.setProperty("data").send(output); output2 = ""; output2 += "OUTPUT "; output2 += String(inputbytes[2]-128, DEC); output2 += " INPUT "; output2 += String(inputbytes[1]-128, DEC); switchNode.setProperty("switchevent").send(output2); switchNode.setProperty("input").send(String(inputbytes[1]-128, DEC)); switchNode.setProperty("output").send(String(inputbytes[2]-128, DEC)); currentnumber = 0; inputbytes[0] = 0; inputbytes[1] = 0; inputbytes[2] = 0; inputbytes[3] = 0; output = ""; } else { Serial.print(">"); Serial.print(currentnumber); Serial.print("<"); currentnumber++; } } }