var notifier = require('node-notifier'); var path = require('path'); var Notification = function () { var laststate = false; this.notificate = function (currentstate) { notifier.on('click', function (notifierObject, options) { // Happens if `wait: true` and user clicks notification }); notifier.on('timeout', function (notifierObject, options) { // Happens if `wait: true` and notification closes }); if (currentstate === true && laststate != true) { laststate = true; notifier.notify({ title: 'CTDO - Status', message: 'Der Chaostreff Dortmund ist nun offen.', icon: path.join('public/img/green.png'), // absolute path (not balloons) sound: true, // Only Notification Center or Windows Toasters wait: true // wait with callback until user action is taken on notification }, function (err, response) { // response is response from notification }); //console.log("State changed to Open"); } else if (currentstate == false && laststate != false) { laststate = false; notifier.notify({ title: 'CTDO - Status', message: 'Der Chaostreff Dortmund ist nun geschlossen.', icon: path.join('public/img/red.png'), // absolute path (not balloons) sound: true, // Only Notification Center or Windows Toasters wait: true // wait with callback until user action is taken on notification }, function (err, response) { // response is response from notification }); //console.log("State changed to Close"); } //console.log("Currentstate: " + currentstate + " Laststate: " + laststate); }; }; module.exports = Notification;