var Notification = window.Notification || window.mozNotification || window.webkitNotification; var enabledNotifications, grantedPermission; function askPermission () { Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { // console.log(permission); if (permission == "granted") { grantedPermission = true; } else { grantedPermission = false; } }); } function toggleNotifications() { if (enabledNotifications === true) { enabledNotifications = false; } else if (!enabledNotifications && grantedPermission === true){ enabledNotifications = true; } else { askPermission(); } } function showNotification(name, body, icon, timeout) { if (enabledNotifications) { var instance = new Notification( name, { body: body, icon: icon } ); instance.onclick = function () { // Something to do }; instance.onerror = function () { // Something to do }; instance.onshow = function () { setTimeout(function(){ instance.close(); }, timeout * 1000); }; instance.onclose = function () { // Something to do }; } }