## Contributing You can run the test suite against a live server by running `script/test`. It automatically starts a test server in background. Only tests in `test/adapters/*_test.rb` require a server, though. ``` sh # run the whole suite $ script/test # run only specific files $ script/test excon typhoeus # run tests using SSL $ SSL=yes script/test ``` We will accept middleware that: 1. is useful to a broader audience, but can be implemented relatively simple; and 2. which isn't already present in [faraday_middleware][] project. We will accept adapters that: 1. support SSL & streaming; 1. are proven and may have better performance than existing ones; or 2. if they have features not present in included adapters. We are pushing towards a 1.0 release, when we will have to follow [Semantic Versioning][semver]. If your patch includes changes to break compatiblitity, note that so we can add it to the [Changelog][]. [semver]: http://semver.org/ [changelog]: https://github.com/technoweenie/faraday/wiki/Changelog [faraday_middleware]: https://github.com/pengwynn/faraday_middleware/wiki