require 'http/authorization_header' module HTTP module Chainable # Request a get sans response body def head(uri, options = {}) request :head, uri, options end # Get a resource def get(uri, options = {}) request :get, uri, options end # Post to a resource def post(uri, options = {}) request :post, uri, options end # Put to a resource def put(uri, options = {}) request :put, uri, options end # Delete a resource def delete(uri, options = {}) request :delete, uri, options end # Echo the request back to the client def trace(uri, options = {}) request :trace, uri, options end # Return the methods supported on the given URI def options(uri, options = {}) request :options, uri, options end # Convert to a transparent TCP/IP tunnel def connect(uri, options = {}) request :connect, uri, options end # Apply partial modifications to a resource def patch(uri, options = {}) request :patch, uri, options end # Make an HTTP request with the given verb def request(verb, uri, options = {}) branch(options).request verb, uri end # Make a request through an HTTP proxy def via(*proxy) proxy_hash = {} proxy_hash[:proxy_address] = proxy[0] if proxy[0].is_a?(String) proxy_hash[:proxy_port] = proxy[1] if proxy[1].is_a?(Integer) proxy_hash[:proxy_username] = proxy[2] if proxy[2].is_a?(String) proxy_hash[:proxy_password] = proxy[3] if proxy[3].is_a?(String) if [2, 4].include?(proxy_hash.keys.size) branch default_options.with_proxy(proxy_hash) else fail(RequestError, "invalid HTTP proxy: #{proxy_hash}") end end alias_method :through, :via # Alias for with_response(:object) def stream with_response(:object) end # Make client follow redirects. # @param opts (see Redirector#initialize) # @return [HTTP::Client] def follow(opts = true) branch default_options.with_follow opts end # (see #follow) # @deprecated alias_method :with_follow, :follow # Make a request with the given headers def with_headers(headers) branch default_options.with_headers(headers) end alias_method :with, :with_headers # Accept the given MIME type(s) def accept(type) with :accept => MimeType.normalize(type) end # Make a request with the given Authorization header def auth(*args) value = case args.count when 1 then args.first when 2 then*args) else fail ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.count} for 1..2)" end with :authorization => value.to_s end def default_options @default_options ||= end def default_options=(opts) @default_options = end def default_headers default_options.headers end def default_headers=(headers) @default_options = default_options.dup do |opts| opts.headers = headers end end def default_callbacks default_options.callbacks end def default_callbacks=(callbacks) @default_options = default_options.dup do |opts| opts.callbacks = callbacks end end private def branch(options) end end end