require 'http/errors' require 'http/headers' require 'http/request/writer' require 'http/version' require 'base64' require 'uri' module HTTP class Request include HTTP::Headers::Mixin # The method given was not understood class UnsupportedMethodError < RequestError; end # The scheme of given URI was not understood class UnsupportedSchemeError < RequestError; end # Default User-Agent header value USER_AGENT = "RubyHTTPGem/#{HTTP::VERSION}".freeze # RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 METHODS = [:options, :get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, :trace, :connect] # RFC 2518: HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV METHODS.concat [:propfind, :proppatch, :mkcol, :copy, :move, :lock, :unlock] # RFC 3648: WebDAV Ordered Collections Protocol METHODS.concat [:orderpatch] # RFC 3744: WebDAV Access Control Protocol METHODS.concat [:acl] # draft-dusseault-http-patch: PATCH Method for HTTP METHODS.concat [:patch] # draft-reschke-webdav-search: WebDAV Search METHODS.concat [:search] # Allowed schemes SCHEMES = [:http, :https, :ws, :wss] # Default ports of supported schemes PORTS = { :http => 80, :https => 443, :ws => 80, :wss => 443 } # Method is given as a lowercase symbol e.g. :get, :post attr_reader :verb # Scheme is normalized to be a lowercase symbol e.g. :http, :https attr_reader :scheme # The following alias may be removed in three minor versions (0.8.0) or one # major version (1.0.0) alias_method :__method__, :method # The following method may be removed in two minor versions (0.7.0) or one # major version (1.0.0) def method(*) warn "#{Kernel.caller.first}: [DEPRECATION] HTTP::Request#method is deprecated. Use #verb instead. For Object#method, use #__method__." @verb end # "Request URI" as per RFC 2616 # attr_reader :uri attr_reader :proxy, :body, :version # :nodoc: def initialize(verb, uri, headers = {}, proxy = {}, body = nil, version = '1.1') # rubocop:disable ParameterLists @verb = verb.to_s.downcase.to_sym @uri = uri.is_a?(URI) ? uri : URI(uri.to_s) @scheme = @uri.scheme.to_s.downcase.to_sym if @uri.scheme fail(UnsupportedMethodError, "unknown method: #{verb}") unless METHODS.include?(@verb) fail(UnsupportedSchemeError, "unknown scheme: #{scheme}") unless SCHEMES.include?(@scheme) @proxy, @body, @version = proxy, body, version @headers = HTTP::Headers.coerce(headers || {}) @headers['Host'] ||= default_host @headers['User-Agent'] ||= USER_AGENT end # Returns new Request with updated uri def redirect(uri, verb = @verb) uri = @uri.merge uri.to_s req =, uri, headers, proxy, body, version) req['Host'] = req end # Stream the request to a socket def stream(socket) include_proxy_authorization_header if using_authenticated_proxy?, body, headers, request_header).stream end # Is this request using a proxy? def using_proxy? proxy && proxy.keys.size >= 2 end # Is this request using an authenticated proxy? def using_authenticated_proxy? proxy && proxy.keys.size == 4 end # Compute and add the Proxy-Authorization header def include_proxy_authorization_header digest = Base64.encode64("#{proxy[:proxy_username]}:#{proxy[:proxy_password]}").chomp headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = "Basic #{digest}" end # Compute HTTP request header for direct or proxy request def request_header if using_proxy? "#{verb.to_s.upcase} #{uri} HTTP/#{version}" else path = uri.query && !uri.query.empty? ? "#{uri.path}?#{uri.query}" : uri.path path = '/' if path.empty? "#{verb.to_s.upcase} #{path} HTTP/#{version}" end end # Host for tcp socket def socket_host using_proxy? ? proxy[:proxy_address] : end # Port for tcp socket def socket_port using_proxy? ? proxy[:proxy_port] : uri.port end private # Default host (with port if needed) header value. # # @return [String] def default_host if PORTS[@scheme] == @uri.port else "#{}:#{@uri.port}" end end end end