require 'naught/basic_object' require 'naught/conversions' module Naught class NullClassBuilder # make sure this module exists module Commands end attr_accessor :base_class, :inspect_proc, :interface_defined def initialize @interface_defined = false @base_class = Naught::BasicObject @inspect_proc = lambda { '' } @stub_strategy = :stub_method_returning_nil define_basic_methods end def interface_defined? !!@interface_defined end def customize(&customization_block) return unless customization_block customization_module.module_exec(self, &customization_block) end def customization_module @customization_module ||= end def null_equivalents @null_equivalents ||= [nil] end def generate_class respond_to_any_message unless interface_defined? generation_mod = customization_mod = customization_module # get a local binding builder = self apply_operations(operations, generation_mod) null_class = do const_set :GeneratedMethods, generation_mod const_set :Customizations, customization_mod const_set :NULL_EQUIVS, builder.null_equivalents include Conversions remove_const :NULL_EQUIVS Conversions.instance_methods.each do |instance_method| undef_method(instance_method) end const_set :Conversions, Conversions include NullObjectTag include generation_mod include customization_mod end apply_operations(class_operations, null_class) null_class end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) command_name = command_name_for_method(method_name) if Commands.const_defined?(command_name) command_class = Commands.const_get(command_name), *args, &block).call else super end end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) command_name = command_name_for_method(method_name) Commands.const_defined?(command_name) || super rescue NameError super end else def respond_to?(method_name, include_private = false) command_name = command_name_for_method(method_name) Commands.const_defined?(command_name) || super rescue NameError super end end ############################################################################ # Builder API # # See also the contents of lib/naught/null_class_builder/commands ############################################################################ def black_hole @stub_strategy = :stub_method_returning_self end def respond_to_any_message defer(:prepend => true) do |subject| subject.module_eval do def respond_to?(*) true end end stub_method(subject, :method_missing) end @interface_defined = true end def defer(options = {}, &deferred_operation) list = options[:class] ? class_operations : operations if options[:prepend] list.unshift(deferred_operation) else list << deferred_operation end end def stub_method(subject, name) send(@stub_strategy, subject, name) end private def define_basic_methods define_basic_instance_methods define_basic_class_methods end def apply_operations(operations, module_or_class) operations.each do |operation| end end def define_basic_instance_methods defer do |subject| subject.module_exec(@inspect_proc) do |inspect_proc| define_method(:inspect, &inspect_proc) def initialize(*) end end end end def define_basic_class_methods defer(:class => true) do |subject| subject.module_eval do class << self alias_method :get, :new end klass = self define_method(:class) { klass } end end end def class_operations @class_operations ||= [] end def operations @operations ||= [] end def stub_method_returning_nil(subject, name) subject.module_eval do define_method(name) { |*| nil } end end def stub_method_returning_self(subject, name) subject.module_eval do define_method(name) { |*| self } end end def command_name_for_method(method_name) method_name.to_s.gsub(/(?:^|_)([a-z])/) { Regexp.last_match[1].upcase } end end end