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require 'twitter/request'
require 'twitter/rest/utils'
require 'twitter/rest/response/parse_error_json'
require 'twitter/token'
module Twitter
module REST
module OAuth
include Twitter::REST::Utils
# Allows a registered application to obtain an OAuth 2 Bearer Token, which can be used to make API requests
# on an application's own behalf, without a user context.
# Only one bearer token may exist outstanding for an application, and repeated requests to this method
# will yield the same already-existent token until it has been invalidated.
# @see https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/post/oauth2/token
# @rate_limited No
# @authentication Required
# @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid.
# @return [Twitter::Token] The Bearer Token. token_type should be 'bearer'.
# @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options.
# @example Generate a Bearer Token
# client = Twitter::REST::Client.new(:consumer_key => "abc", :consumer_secret => 'def')
# bearer_token = client.token
def token(options = {})
options[:bearer_token_request] = true
options[:grant_type] ||= 'client_credentials'
perform_with_object(:post, '/oauth2/token', options, Twitter::Token)
alias_method :bearer_token, :token
# Allows a registered application to revoke an issued OAuth 2 Bearer Token by presenting its client credentials.
# @see https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/post/oauth2/invalidate_token
# @rate_limited No
# @authentication Required
# @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid.
# @param access_token [String, Twitter::Token] The bearer token to revoke.
# @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options.
# @return [Twitter::Token] The invalidated token. token_type should be nil.
def invalidate_token(access_token, options = {})
access_token = access_token.access_token if access_token.is_a?(Twitter::Token)
options[:access_token] = access_token
perform_with_object(:post, '/oauth2/invalidate_token', options, Twitter::Token)
# Allows a registered application to revoke an issued OAuth 2 Bearer Token by presenting its client credentials.
# @see https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/post/oauth2/invalidate_token
# @rate_limited No
# @authentication Required
# @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid.
# @return [String] The token string.
def reverse_token
conn = connection.dup
conn.builder.swap(4, Twitter::REST::Response::ParseErrorJson)
response = conn.post('/oauth/request_token?x_auth_mode=reverse_auth') do |request|
request.headers[:authorization] = oauth_auth_header(:post, 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token', :x_auth_mode => 'reverse_auth').to_s