import mqtt.*; MQTTClient client; static int pixeldistance=16; static int pixelsize=14; static int displaywidth=75; static int displayheight=16; static float pixelcornerradius=3; static float pixelborderweight=1; color colorWhite=color(240,255,150); color colorBlack=color(50,50,50); color colorBG=color(127,127,127); String lastDataReceived=""; int lastDataReceivedTime=0; PGraphics pg; PFont smallfont; // The font must be located in the sketch's // "data" directory to load successfully void setup() { size(1300,300); smooth(0); pg = createGraphics(int(displaywidth*pixeldistance+pixelborderweight/2),int(displayheight*pixeldistance+pixelborderweight/2)); background(colorBG); //printArray(PFont.list()); smallfont = createFont("Monospaced.plain", 12); client = new MQTTClient(this); client.connect("mqtt://", "processing-flipdot"); } void draw() { fill(colorBG); rect(0,0,width,height); pg.beginDraw(); pg.clear(); for (int y=0;yx*displayheight+y){ return lastDataReceived.charAt(x*displayheight+y)=='1'; }else{ return false; } } void clientConnected() { println("client connected"); client.subscribe("testflipdot/display/data/set"); } void messageReceived(String topic, byte[] payload) { //println("new message: " + topic + " - " + new String(payload)); println("new message: " + topic + " len= " + (new String(payload)).length()); lastDataReceived=new String(payload); lastDataReceivedTime=millis(); } void connectionLost() { println("connection lost"); }