/** * This file is part of the hoverboard-firmware-hack project. * * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Emanuel FERU * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // Includes #include #include #include #include "stm32f1xx_hal.h" #include "config.h" #include "defines.h" #include "eeprom.h" #include "BLDC_controller.h" #include "util.h" #include "comms.h" #if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_PROTOCOL) && (defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)) #ifdef CONTROL_ADC #define RAW_MIN 0 #define RAW_MAX 4095 #else #define RAW_MIN -1000 #define RAW_MAX 1000 #endif #define MAX_PARAM_WATCH 15 extern ExtY rtY_Left; /* External outputs */ extern ExtU rtU_Left; /* External inputs */ extern P rtP_Left; extern ExtY rtY_Right; /* External outputs */ extern ExtU rtU_Right; /* External inputs */ extern P rtP_Right; extern InputStruct input1[]; // input structure extern InputStruct input2[]; // input structure extern uint16_t VirtAddVarTab[NB_OF_VAR]; extern int16_t speedAvg; // average measured speed extern int16_t speedAvgAbs; // average measured speed in absolute extern uint8_t ctrlModReqRaw; extern adc_buf_t adc_buffer; extern int16_t board_temp_deg_c; enum commandTypes {READ,WRITE}; // Function0 - Function with 0 parameter // Function1 - Function with 1 parameter (e.g. GET PARAM) // Function2 - Function with 2 parameter (e.g. SET PARAM XXXX) const command_entry commands[] = { // Type ,Name ,Function0 ,Function1 ,Function2 ,Help {READ ,"GET" ,printAllParamDef ,printParamDef ,NULL ,"Get Parameter/Variable"}, {READ ,"HELP" ,printAllParamHelp ,printParamHelp ,NULL ,"Command/Parameter/Variable Help"}, {READ ,"WATCH" ,NULL ,watchParamVal ,NULL ,"Toggle Parameter/Variable Watch"}, {WRITE ,"SET" ,NULL ,NULL ,setParamValExt ,"Set Parameter"}, {WRITE ,"INIT" ,NULL ,initParamVal ,NULL ,"Init Parameter from EEPROM or CONFIG.H"}, {WRITE ,"SAVE" ,saveAllParamVal ,NULL ,NULL ,"Save Parameters to EEPROM"}, }; enum paramTypes {PARAMETER,VARIABLE}; const parameter_entry params[] = { // CONTROL PARAMETERS // Type ,Name ,Datatype ,ValueL ptr ,ValueR ,EEPRM Addr ,Init Int/Ext ,Min ,Max ,Div ,Mul ,Fix ,Callback Function ,Help text {PARAMETER ,"CTRL_MOD" ,ADD_PARAM(ctrlModReqRaw) ,NULL ,0 ,CTRL_MOD_REQ ,0 ,1 ,3 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,"Ctrl mode 1:VLT 2:SPD 3:TRQ"}, {PARAMETER ,"CTRL_TYP" ,ADD_PARAM(rtP_Left.z_ctrlTypSel) ,&rtP_Right.z_ctrlTypSel ,0 ,CTRL_TYP_SEL ,0 ,0 ,2 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,"Ctrl type 0:COM 1:SIN 2:FOC"}, {PARAMETER ,"I_MOT_MAX" ,ADD_PARAM(rtP_Left.i_max) ,&rtP_Right.i_max ,1 ,I_MOT_MAX ,1 ,1 ,40 ,A2BIT_CONV ,0 ,4 ,NULL ,"Max phase current A"}, {PARAMETER ,"N_MOT_MAX" ,ADD_PARAM(rtP_Left.n_max) ,&rtP_Right.n_max ,2 ,N_MOT_MAX ,1 ,10 ,2000 ,0 ,0 ,4 ,NULL ,"Max motor RPM"}, {PARAMETER ,"FI_WEAK_ENA" ,ADD_PARAM(rtP_Left.b_fieldWeakEna) ,&rtP_Right.b_fieldWeakEna ,0 ,FIELD_WEAK_ENA ,0 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,"Enable field weak"}, {PARAMETER ,"FI_WEAK_HI" ,ADD_PARAM(rtP_Left.r_fieldWeakHi) ,&rtP_Right.r_fieldWeakHi ,0 ,FIELD_WEAK_HI ,1 ,0 ,1500 ,0 ,0 ,4 ,Input_Lim_Init ,"Field weak high RPM"}, {PARAMETER ,"FI_WEAK_LO" ,ADD_PARAM(rtP_Left.r_fieldWeakLo) ,&rtP_Right.r_fieldWeakLo ,0 ,FIELD_WEAK_LO ,1 ,0 ,1000 ,0 ,0 ,4 ,Input_Lim_Init ,"Field weak low RPM"}, {PARAMETER ,"FI_WEAK_MAX" ,ADD_PARAM(rtP_Left.id_fieldWeakMax) ,&rtP_Right.id_fieldWeakMax,0 ,FIELD_WEAK_MAX ,1 ,0 ,20 ,A2BIT_CONV ,0 ,4 ,NULL ,"Field weak max current A(FOC)"}, {PARAMETER ,"PHA_ADV_MAX" ,ADD_PARAM(rtP_Left.a_phaAdvMax) ,&rtP_Right.a_phaAdvMax ,0 ,PHASE_ADV_MAX ,1 ,0 ,55 ,0 ,0 ,4 ,NULL ,"Max Phase Adv angle Deg(SIN)"}, // INPUT PARAMETERS // Type ,Name ,ValueL ptr ,ValueR ,EEPRM Addr ,Init Int/Ext ,Min ,Max ,Div ,Mul ,Fix ,Callback Function ,Help text {VARIABLE ,"IN1_RAW" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[0].raw) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input1 raw"}, {PARAMETER ,"IN1_TYP" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[0].typ) ,NULL ,3 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,3 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input1 type"}, {PARAMETER ,"IN1_MIN" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[0].min) ,NULL ,4 ,RAW_MIN ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input1 min"}, {PARAMETER ,"IN1_MID" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[0].mid) ,NULL ,5 ,0 ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input1 mid"}, {PARAMETER ,"IN1_MAX" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[0].max) ,NULL ,6 ,RAW_MAX ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input1 max"}, {VARIABLE ,"IN1_CMD" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[0].cmd) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input1 cmd"}, {VARIABLE ,"IN2_RAW" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[0].raw) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input2 raw"}, {PARAMETER ,"IN2_TYP" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[0].typ) ,NULL ,7 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,3 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input2 type"}, {PARAMETER ,"IN2_MIN" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[0].min) ,NULL ,8 ,RAW_MIN ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input2 min"}, {PARAMETER ,"IN2_MID" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[0].mid) ,NULL ,9 ,0 ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input2 mid"}, {PARAMETER ,"IN2_MAX" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[0].max) ,NULL ,10 ,RAW_MAX ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input2 max"}, {VARIABLE ,"IN2_CMD" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[0].cmd) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Input2 cmd"}, #if defined(PRI_INPUT1) && defined(PRI_INPUT2) && defined(AUX_INPUT1) && defined(AUX_INPUT2) // Type ,Name ,ValueL ptr ,ValueR ,EEPRM Addr ,Init Int/Ext ,Min ,Max ,Div ,Mul ,Fix ,Callback Function ,Help text {VARIABLE ,"AUX_IN1_RAW" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[1].raw) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input1 raw"}, {PARAMETER ,"AUX_IN1_TYP" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[1].typ) ,NULL ,11 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,3 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input1 type"}, {PARAMETER ,"AUX_IN1_MIN" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[1].min) ,NULL ,12 ,RAW_MIN ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input1 min"}, {PARAMETER ,"AUX_IN1_MID" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[1].mid) ,NULL ,13 ,0 ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input1 mid"}, {PARAMETER ,"AUX_IN1_MAX" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[1].max) ,NULL ,14 ,RAW_MAX ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input1 max"}, {VARIABLE ,"AUX_IN1_CMD" ,ADD_PARAM(input1[1].cmd) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input1 cmd"}, {VARIABLE ,"AUX_IN2_RAW" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[1].raw) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input2 raw"}, {PARAMETER ,"AUX_IN2_TYP" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[1].typ) ,NULL ,15 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,3 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input2 type"}, {PARAMETER ,"AUX_IN2_MIN" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[1].min) ,NULL ,16 ,RAW_MIN ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input2 min"}, {PARAMETER ,"AUX_IN2_MID" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[1].mid) ,NULL ,17 ,0 ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input2 mid"}, {PARAMETER ,"AUX_IN2_MAX" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[1].max) ,NULL ,18 ,RAW_MAX ,0 ,RAW_MIN,RAW_MAX,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input2 max"}, {VARIABLE ,"AUX_IN2_CMD" ,ADD_PARAM(input2[1].cmd) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,"Aux. input2 cmd"}, #endif // FEEDBACK // Type ,Name ,Datatype, ValueL ptr ,ValueR ,EEPRM Addr ,Init Int/Ext ,Min ,Max ,Div ,Mul ,Fix ,Callback Function ,Help text {VARIABLE ,"I_DC_LINK" ,ADD_PARAM(rtU_Left.i_DCLink) ,&rtU_Right.i_DCLink ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,A2BIT_CONV ,100 ,0 ,NULL ,"DC Link current A *100"}, {VARIABLE ,"SPD_AVG" ,ADD_PARAM(speedAvg) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,"Motor Measured Avg RPM"}, {VARIABLE ,"SPDL" ,ADD_PARAM(rtY_Left.n_mot) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,"Left Motor Measured RPM"}, {VARIABLE ,"SPDR" ,ADD_PARAM(rtY_Right.n_mot) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,"Right Motor Measured RPM"}, {VARIABLE ,"RATE" ,0 , NULL ,NULL ,0 ,RATE ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,4 ,NULL ,"Rate *10"}, {VARIABLE ,"SPD_COEF" ,0 , NULL ,NULL ,0 ,SPEED_COEFFICIENT ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,10 ,14 ,NULL ,"Speed Coefficient *10"}, {VARIABLE ,"STR_COEF" ,0 , NULL ,NULL ,0 ,STEER_COEFFICIENT ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,10 ,14 ,NULL ,"Steer Coefficient *10"}, {VARIABLE ,"BATV" ,ADD_PARAM(adc_buffer.batt1) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,"Battery voltage *100"}, //{VARIABLE ,"TEMP" ,ADD_PARAM(board_temp_deg_c) ,NULL ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,NULL ,"Temperature °C *10"}, }; const char *errors[9] = { "Command not found", // Err1 "Parameter not found", // Err2 "This command cannot be used with a Variable", // Err3 "Value not in range", // Err4 "Value expected", // Err5 "Start of line expected", // Err6 "End of line expected", // Err7 "Parameter expected", // Err8 "Uncaught error" // Err9 "Watch list is full" // Err10 }; debug_command command; int8_t watchParamList[MAX_PARAM_WATCH] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; // Set Param with Value from external format int8_t setParamValExt(uint8_t index, int32_t value) { int8_t ret = 0; // check min and max before conversion to internal values if (IN_RANGE(value,params[index].min,params[index].max)){ ret = setParamValInt(index,extToInt(index,value)); printParamDef(index); }else{ printError(4); // Error - Value out of range } return ret; } // Set Param with value from internal format int8_t setParamValInt(uint8_t index, int32_t newValue) { int32_t oldValue = getParamValInt(index); if (oldValue != newValue){ // if value is different, beep, cast and assign new value switch (params[index].datatype){ case UINT8_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) *(uint8_t*)params[index].valueL = newValue; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) *(uint8_t*)params[index].valueR = newValue; break; case UINT16_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) *(uint16_t*)params[index].valueL = newValue; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) *(uint16_t*)params[index].valueR = newValue; break; case UINT32_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) *(uint32_t*)params[index].valueL = newValue; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) *(uint32_t*)params[index].valueR = newValue; break; case INT8_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) *(int8_t*)params[index].valueL = newValue; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) *(int8_t*)params[index].valueR = newValue; break; case INT16_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) *(int16_t*)params[index].valueL = newValue; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) *(int16_t*)params[index].valueR = newValue; break; case INT32_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) *(int32_t*)params[index].valueL = newValue; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) *(int32_t*)params[index].valueR = newValue; break; } // Beep if value was modified beepShort(5); } // Run callback function if assigned if (params[index].callback_function) (*params[index].callback_function)(); return 1; } // Get Parameter Internal value and translate to external int32_t getParamValExt(uint8_t index) { return intToExt(index,getParamValInt(index)); } // Get Parameter Internal Value int32_t getParamValInt(uint8_t index) { int32_t value = 0; int8_t countVar = 0; if (params[index].valueL != NULL) countVar++; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) countVar++; if (countVar > 0){ // Read Left and Right values and calculate average // If left and right have to be summed up, DIV field could be adapted to multiply by 2 // Cast to parameter datatype switch (params[index].datatype){ case UINT8_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) value += *(uint8_t*)params[index].valueL; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) value += *(uint8_t*)params[index].valueR; break; case UINT16_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) value += *(uint16_t*)params[index].valueL; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) value += *(uint16_t*)params[index].valueR; break; case UINT32_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) value += *(uint32_t*)params[index].valueL; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) value += *(uint32_t*)params[index].valueR; break; case INT8_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) value += *(int8_t*)params[index].valueL; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) value += *(int8_t*)params[index].valueR; break; case INT16_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) value += *(int16_t*)params[index].valueL; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) value += *(int16_t*)params[index].valueR; break; case INT32_T: if (params[index].valueL != NULL) value += *(int32_t*)params[index].valueL; if (params[index].valueR != NULL) value += *(int32_t*)params[index].valueR; break; default: value = 0; } // Divide by number of values provided for the parameter value /= countVar; }else{ // No variable was provided, return init value that might contain a macro value = params[index].init; } return value; } // Add or remove parameter from watch list int8_t watchParamVal(uint8_t index){ int8_t i,found = 0; for(i=0;i < MAX_PARAM_WATCH && watchParamList[i]>-1;i++){ if (watchParamList[i] == index) found = 1; if (found) watchParamList[i] = (i < MAX_PARAM_WATCH-1)?watchParamList[i+1]:-1; } if (!found){ if (watchParamList[i] == -1){ watchParamList[i] = index; return 1; } printError(10); return 0; } return 1; } // Print value for all parameters with watch flag int8_t printParamVal(){ int8_t i = 0; for(i=0;i < MAX_PARAM_WATCH && watchParamList[i]>-1;i++){ printf("%s:%li ",params[watchParamList[i]].name,getParamValExt(watchParamList[i])); } if (i>0) printf("\r\n"); return 1; } // Print help for Command int8_t printCommandHelp(uint8_t index){ printf("? %s:\"%s\"\r\n",commands[index].name,commands[index].help); return 1; } // Print help for parameter int8_t printParamHelp(uint8_t index){ printf("? %s:\"%s\" ",params[index].name,params[index].help); if (params[index].type == PARAMETER) printf("[min:%li max:%li]",params[index].min,params[index].max); printf("\r\n"); return 1; } // Print help for all parameters int8_t printAllParamHelp(){ printf("? Commands\r\n"); for(int i=0;i>= params[index].fix; return value; } // Translate from External to Internal Format int32_t extToInt(uint8_t index,int32_t value){ // Multiply to translate to internal format if(params[index].div) value *= params[index].div; // Shift to translate to internal format if (params[index].fix) value <<= params[index].fix; // Divide for small number if(params[index].mul) value /= params[index].mul; return value; } // Get Parameter Init value(EEPROM or init/config.h) and translate to external format int32_t getParamInitExt(uint8_t index) { return intToExt(index,getParamInitInt(index)); } // Get Parameter value with EEprom data if address is avalaible, init/config.h value otherwise int16_t getParamInitInt(uint8_t index){ if (params[index].addr){ // if EEPROM address is specified, init from EEPROM address uint16_t writeCheck, readVal; HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0], &writeCheck); EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[params[index].addr] , &readVal); HAL_FLASH_Lock(); // EEPROM was written, use stored value if (writeCheck == FLASH_WRITE_KEY){ return readVal; }else{ // Use init value from array if (params[index].initFormat){ // Init Value is in External format (e.g. PHA_ADV_MAX is 25 deg) return extToInt(index,params[index].init); }else{ return params[index].init; } } }else{ if (params[index].initFormat){ // Init Value is in External format (e.g. PHA_ADV_MAX is 25 deg) return extToInt(index,params[index].init); }else{ return params[index].init; } } } // initialize Parameter value with EEprom data if address is avalaible, init/config.h value otherwise int8_t initParamVal(uint8_t index) { int8_t ret = 0; ret = setParamValInt(index,(int32_t) getParamInitInt(index)); printParamDef(index); return ret; } // Find command in commands array and return index int8_t findCommand(uint8_t *userCommand, uint32_t len){ for(int index=0;indexMAX_int16_T){command.error = 4;return;} } if (count == 0){ // Error - Value required command.error = 5; return; } // Apply sign value*= sign; // Command with parameter and value if (commands[cindex].callback_function2 != NULL){ if (*userCommand == '\n' || *userCommand == '\r'){ command.semaphore = 1; command.command_index = cindex; command.param_index = pindex; command.param_value = value; }else{ command.error = 7; // Error - End of line expected } return; } // Uncaught error command.error = 9; } void process_debug() { // Print parameters from watch list printParamVal(); // Show Error if any if(command.error> 0){ printError(command.error); command.error = 0; return; } // Nothing to do if (command.semaphore == 0) return; int8_t ret = 0; if (commands[command.command_index].callback_function0 != NULL && command.param_index == -1){ // This function needs no parameter ret = (*commands[command.command_index].callback_function0)(); if (ret==1){printf("OK\r\n");} command.semaphore = 0; return; } if (commands[command.command_index].callback_function1 != NULL && command.param_index != -1){ // This function needs only a parameter ret = (*commands[command.command_index].callback_function1)(command.param_index); if (ret==1){printf("OK\r\n");} command.semaphore = 0; return; } if (commands[command.command_index].callback_function2 != NULL && command.param_index != -1){ // This function needs an additional parameter ret = (*commands[command.command_index].callback_function2)(command.param_index,command.param_value); if (ret==1){printf("OK\r\n");} command.semaphore = 0; } } #endif