// High/Low Output LDR Sensor // For example: RCWL-0516 (needs 5v input (gnd, vin), 3.3v output level. high for 2seconds when movement detected) #include "sensor_ldr.h" Sensor_LDR::Sensor_LDR(int p) { pin=p; sensordata data; } void Sensor_LDR::init() //Things to be done during setup() { Serial.println("initializing LDR"); pinMode(pin, INPUT); analogRead(pin); //first reading could be false init_ok=true; } //Also called during setup() void Sensor_LDR::setSettings(float minchange, unsigned long senddelaymax, unsigned long readdelay) { data.minchange=minchange; data.senddelaymax=senddelaymax; data.readdelay=readdelay; } //Called during setup void Sensor_LDR::advertise(HomieNode& p_sensorNode) { sensorNode = &p_sensorNode; sensorNode->advertise("light"); } void Sensor_LDR::sensorloop() { if (init_ok) { sensordata &d=data; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { d.value = get_lux(in_ldr, out_ldr, LDR_ARRAYSIZE)/10.0; //read light level in lux if (fabs(d.lastsentvalue-d.value)>=d.minchange){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { Serial.print("Sending LDR. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); Homie.getLogger() << "light " << ": " << d.value << endl; sensorNode->setProperty("light").send(String(d.value)); d.lastsentvalue=d.value; d.lastsent=millis(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate lux based on rawADC reading from LDR returns value in lux/10 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //quelle: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/souliss/1kMAltPB2ME[1-25] int Sensor_LDR::get_lux(const unsigned int* _in, const unsigned int* _out, byte size) { // take care the value is within range // val = constrain(val, _in[0], _in[size-1]); unsigned int val = analogRead(pin); #ifdef DEBUG //DEBUG++++++++++++++++ Serial.print("LDR RAW=: "); Serial.println(val); #endif if (val <= _in[0]) return _out[0]; if (val >= _in[size-1]) return _out[size-1]; // search right interval byte pos = 1; // _in[0] allready tested while(val > _in[pos]) pos++; // this will handle all exact "points" in the _in array if (val == _in[pos]) return _out[pos]; // interpolate in the right segment for the rest return map(val, _in[pos-1], _in[pos], _out[pos-1], _out[pos]); }