//#define DEBUG #include "Arduino.h" #include //required for dht library #include #include #include // data/homie/config.json hochladen mit platformio run --target uploadfs /* float humidity; //[%RH] DHT float temperature; //[deg C] DHT float light; //[Lux] BH1750 bool movement //true bei pir output hight, false wenn low HC12?501? */ //GPIO2 is blue led #define DHTPIN D7 // Digital pin connected to the DHT sensor //DHT dht(13,DHT22,11); //default:11 DHT dht(DHTPIN,DHT22,11); //default:11 #define PIRPIN D6 //pir sensor needs 5v. output level is 3.3v BH1750 lightMeter(0x23); //timings unsigned long lastsensorreadtime=0; unsigned long sensorupdatedelay=60000; //delay for reading and transmitting unsigned long lastPIRtime=0; unsigned long PIRdelay=100; //polling delay unsigned long lastPIRSendValueTime=0; unsigned long PIRMaxDelay=1000*60*10; //maximum time until current value is send bool motion=false; #include #define FW_NAME "sensoresp3" #define FW_VERSION "1.0.0" HomieNode sensorNode("sensors", "Sensors","sensors"); char tempstring[16]; //for dtostrf void loopHandler(); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Welcome"); pinMode(PIRPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); Serial.println("initializing dht"); dht.begin(); // dht pins: 1=power, 2=data, 3=NC, 4=GND. 10k from data to power needed Serial.println("initializing bh1750"); Wire.begin(); //initialize i2c. SDA=D2, SCL=D1 if (lightMeter.begin(BH1750::CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE)) { Serial.println(F("BH1750 Advanced begin")); } else { Serial.println(F("Error initialising BH1750")); } Serial.println("connecting.."); Homie_setFirmware(FW_NAME, FW_VERSION); Homie_setBrand(FW_NAME); Homie.setLoopFunction(loopHandler); sensorNode.advertise("temperature"); sensorNode.advertise("humidity"); sensorNode.advertise("light"); sensorNode.advertise("motion"); Homie.setup(); Serial.println("connected"); //wird nicht ausgegeben. keine ahnung warum. } void loop() { Homie.loop(); } void loopHandler() { if (millis() >= (lastPIRtime+PIRdelay)){ if (digitalRead(PIRPIN)){ if (!motion) { //changed? Homie.getLogger() << "motion " << ": " << "true" << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("motion").send(String("true")); } motion=true; lastPIRSendValueTime=millis(); }else{ if (motion) { //changed? Homie.getLogger() << "motion " << ": " << "false" << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("motion").send(String("false")); } motion=false; lastPIRSendValueTime=millis(); } lastPIRtime=millis(); } if (millis() >= (lastPIRSendValueTime+PIRMaxDelay)) { //send current value after some long time if (digitalRead(PIRPIN)){ Homie.getLogger() << "motion resend " << ": " << "true" << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("motion").send(String("true")); motion=true; }else{ Homie.getLogger() << "motion resend " << ": " << "false" << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("motion").send(String("false")); motion=false; } lastPIRSendValueTime=millis(); } if (millis() >= (lastsensorreadtime+sensorupdatedelay)) { Serial.println("Sending"); if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) //restart if wifi signal loss { ESP.reset(); } float temperatureDHT = dht.readTemperature(); if (!(isnan(temperatureDHT) == 1)){ //success Homie.getLogger() << "temperature " << ": " << temperatureDHT << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("temperature").send(String(temperatureDHT)); } float humidityDHT = dht.readHumidity(); if (!(isnan(humidityDHT) == 1)){ //success Homie.getLogger() << "humidity " << ": " << humidityDHT << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("humidity").send(String(humidityDHT)); } float light = lightMeter.readLightLevel(); // [lux] Homie.getLogger() << "light " << ": " << light << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("light").send(String(light)); lastsensorreadtime=millis(); } }