//#define DEBUG //Compile with platformio run --environment sensorespx //Compile and upload: platformio run --environment sensorespx -t upload //Spiffs data upload with (comment in data_dir line unter platformio section): platformio run --environment sensorespx -t uploadfs /* DELETE BELOW // DHT22 #define SENSOR_DHT22 #define DHTPIN D7 // Digital pin connected to the DHT sensor. // dht pins: 1=power, 2=data, 3=NC, 4=GND. 10k from data to power needed // PIR Sensors HC-SR501 (modified to put out shortest pulse time) #define SENSOR_PIR #define PIRPIN D6 //pir sensor needs 5v. output level is 3.3v //BH1750 Lux Sensor #define SENSOR_BH1750 */ //GPIO2 is blue led on wemos_d1 #include "Arduino.h" #include #define FW_NAME "sensoresp" //gets printed on topic/$fw/name #define FW_VERSION "1.0.0" //gets printed on topic/$fw/version #ifdef SENSOR_LDR int get_lux(const unsigned int* _in, const unsigned int* _out, byte size); //for analog ldr light calculation #endif struct sensordata { unsigned long lastreadtime=0; unsigned long readdelay=1000*10; //polling delay float minchange=0; //send new value if difference to last sent value is greater than this float lastsentvalue=0; unsigned long lastsent=0; unsigned long senddelaymax=1000*60*5; //maximum time until current value is send }; #ifdef SENSOR_DHT22 // Digital pin connected to the DHT sensor. // dht pins: 1=power, 2=data, 3=NC, 4=GND. 10k from data to power needed #include //required for dht library #include DHT dht(DHTPIN,DHT22,11); //default:11 struct sensordata dataDHT22_temperature; //struct values are changed in setup() float value_temperatureDHT=0; struct sensordata dataDHT22_humidity; //struct values are changed in setup() float value_humidityDHT=0; #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BMP180 //Connect SCL to D1, SDA to D2, GND and 3v3 #include Adafruit_BMP085 bmp180; struct sensordata dataBMP180_temperature; //struct values are changed in setup() float value_temperatureBMP=0; struct sensordata dataBMP180_pressure; //struct values are changed in setup() float value_pressureBMP=0; #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BH1750 //SCL=D1, SDA=D2 #include #include BH1750 lightMeter(0x23); sensordata dataBH1750; float value_lightBH1750=0; #endif #ifdef SENSOR_PIR // PIR Sensors HC-SR501 (modified to put out shortest pulse time short pins 5 and 6 of ic) //pir sensor needs 5v through an inductor for filtering. output level is 3.3v sensordata dataPIR; bool value_PIR=false; #endif #ifdef SENSOR_LDR struct sensordata dataLDR; float value_ldr=0; #ifdef SENSOR_LDR_CALIB1 #define LDRARRAYSIZE 18 //black wire of ldr connects to A0 with 10k to gnd. red wire connects with 1k to gnd and 2k2 to 3v3 static const unsigned int out_ldr[] = {0, 30, 50, 60, 130, 170, 250, 420, 780, 1300,2600, 5000, 5350, 7700, 10900, 12000, 17000,20000}; // x10 (i.e. gets later divided by 10) static const unsigned int in_ldr[] = {0, 12, 100, 150, 350, 400, 450, 650, 730, 780, 840, 930, 948 , 970, 993, 1005, 1019, 1023}; // 0 - 1023 #endif #endif #ifdef SENSOR_MHZ19 struct sensordata dataMHZ19; /* * MHZ19 Library: https://platformio.org/lib/show/1620/SevSegSPI * Software Serial Library: https://platformio.org/lib/show/168/EspSoftwareSerial * SDS018 example: https://github.com/crystaldust/sds018/blob/master/sds018.ino */ // SW Serial //SW Serial RX: to mhz19 tx (green cable) //SW Serial TX: to mhz19 rx (blue cable) //co2 sensor needs 5v #include SoftwareSerial mhz19_swSerial; #define BAUD_RATE_MHZ19 9600 #include MHZ19 mhz19; bool mhz19_ready=false; int value_co2=-1; //[ppm] #endif // data/homie/config.json hochladen mit platformio run --target uploadfs // config contains homie device name, mqtt ip and wifi credentials /* float humidity; //[%RH] DHT float temperature; //[deg C] DHT float light; //[Lux] BH1750 bool movement //true bei pir output hight, false wenn low HC12?501? */ HomieNode sensorNode("sensors", "Sensors","sensors"); //id, name, type char tempstring[16]; //for dtostrf void loopHandler(); void checkESPStatus(); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Booting"); #ifdef SENSOR_DHT22 Serial.println("initializing dht"); dht.begin(); #ifdef dataDHT22_temperature_minchange dataDHT22_temperature.minchange=dataDHT22_temperature_minchange; #endif #ifdef dataDHT22_humidity_minchange dataDHT22_humidity.minchange=dataDHT22_humidity_minchange; #endif #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BMP180 Serial.println("initializing bmp180"); if (!bmp180.begin()){ Serial.println("#ERROR: BMP180 init fail\n\n"); } #ifdef dataBMP180_temperature_minchange dataBMP180_temperature.minchange=dataBMP180_temperature_minchange; #endif #ifdef dataBMP180_pressure_minchange dataBMP180_pressure.minchange=dataBMP180_pressure_minchange; #endif #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BH1750 Serial.println("initializing bh1750"); Wire.begin(); if (lightMeter.begin(BH1750::CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE)) { Serial.println(F("BH1750 Advanced begin")); } else { Serial.println(F("Error initialising BH1750")); } #ifdef dataBH1750_minchange dataBH1750.minchange=dataBH1750_minchange; #endif #ifdef dataBH1750_senddelaymax dataBH1750.senddelaymax=dataBH1750_senddelaymax; #endif #endif #ifdef SENSOR_PIR Serial.println("initializing pir"); pinMode(PIRPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); #ifdef dataPIR_readdelay dataPIR.readdelay=dataPIR_readdelay; #endif #ifdef dataPIR_senddelaymax dataPIR.senddelaymax=dataPIR_senddelaymax; #endif #endif #ifdef SENSOR_LDR Serial.println("initializing ldr"); pinMode(LDR_PIN, INPUT); //ldr #ifdef dataLDR_readdelay dataLDR.readdelay=dataLDR_readdelay; #endif #ifdef dataLDR_senddelaymax dataLDR.senddelaymax=dataLDR_senddelaymax; #endif #ifdef dataLDR_minchange dataLDR.minchange=dataLDR_minchange; #endif #endif #ifdef SENSOR_MHZ19 Serial.println("initializing mhz19"); #ifdef dataMHZ19_minchange dataMHZ19.minchange=dataMHZ19_minchange; #endif #ifdef dataMHZ19_readdelay dataMHZ19.readdelay=dataMHZ19_readdelay; #endif mhz19_swSerial.begin(BAUD_RATE_MHZ19, SWSERIAL_8N1, MHZ19_SERIAL_RX, MHZ19_SERIAL_TX, false, 256); mhz19.setSerial(&mhz19_swSerial); #endif Homie_setFirmware(FW_NAME, FW_VERSION); Homie_setBrand(FW_NAME); Homie.setLoopFunction(loopHandler); #ifdef SENSOR_DHT22 #ifndef SENSOR_BMP180 sensorNode.advertise("temperature"); #else sensorNode.advertise("temperature_dht"); #endif sensorNode.advertise("humidity"); #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BH1750 sensorNode.advertise("light"); lightMeter.readLightLevel(); //make first reading, could be 0 #endif #ifdef SENSOR_LDR sensorNode.advertise("light"); analogRead(LDR_PIN); //first reading could be false #endif #ifdef SENSOR_PIR sensorNode.advertise("motion"); #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BMP180 sensorNode.advertise("temperature"); sensorNode.advertise("pressure"); #endif #ifdef SENSOR_MHZ19 sensorNode.advertise("co2"); #endif Serial.println("connecting.."); Homie.setup(); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("connected"); //wird nicht ausgegeben. keine ahnung warum. } void loop() { Homie.loop(); } #ifdef SENSOR_DHT22 void loop_DHT22_temperature() { sensordata &d=dataDHT22_temperature; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { value_temperatureDHT = dht.readTemperature(); if (fabs(d.lastsentvalue-value_temperatureDHT)>=d.minchange){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { Serial.print("Sending DHT22_temperature. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); checkESPStatus(); if (!(isnan(value_temperatureDHT) == 1)){ //success #ifndef SENSOR_BMP180 sensorNode.setProperty("temperature").send(String(value_temperatureDHT)); Homie.getLogger() << "temperature " << ": " << value_temperatureDHT << endl; #else sensorNode.setProperty("temperature_dht").send(String(value_temperatureDHT)); Homie.getLogger() << "temperature_dht " << ": " << value_temperatureDHT << endl; #endif d.lastsentvalue=value_temperatureDHT; } d.lastsent=millis(); } } void loop_DHT22_humidity() { sensordata &d=dataDHT22_humidity; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { value_humidityDHT = dht.readHumidity(); if (fabs(d.lastsentvalue-value_humidityDHT)>=d.minchange){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { Serial.print("Sending DHT22_humidity. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); checkESPStatus(); if (!(isnan(value_humidityDHT) == 1)){ //success Homie.getLogger() << "humidity " << ": " << value_humidityDHT << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("humidity").send(String(value_humidityDHT)); d.lastsentvalue=value_humidityDHT; } d.lastsent=millis(); } } #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BMP180 void loop_BMP180_temperature() { sensordata &d=dataBMP180_temperature; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { value_temperatureBMP = bmp180.readTemperature(); if (fabs(d.lastsentvalue-value_temperatureBMP)>=d.minchange){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { Serial.print("Sending BMP180_temperature. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); checkESPStatus(); if (!(isnan(value_temperatureBMP) == 1)){ //success sensorNode.setProperty("temperature").send(String(value_temperatureBMP)); Homie.getLogger() << "temperature " << ": " << value_temperatureBMP << endl; d.lastsentvalue=value_temperatureBMP; } d.lastsent=millis(); } } void loop_BMP180_pressure() { sensordata &d=dataBMP180_pressure; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { value_pressureBMP = bmp180.readPressure()/100.0; if (fabs(d.lastsentvalue-value_pressureBMP)>=d.minchange){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { Serial.print("Sending BMP180_pressure. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); checkESPStatus(); if (!(isnan(value_pressureBMP) == 1)){ //success Homie.getLogger() << "pressure " << ": " << value_pressureBMP << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("pressure").send(String(value_pressureBMP)); d.lastsentvalue=value_pressureBMP; } d.lastsent=millis(); } } #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BH1750 void loop_BH1750() { sensordata &d=dataBH1750; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { value_lightBH1750 = lightMeter.readLightLevel(); // [lux] if (fabs(d.lastsentvalue-value_lightBH1750)>=d.minchange){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { Serial.print("Sending BH1750. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); checkESPStatus(); Homie.getLogger() << "light " << ": " << value_lightBH1750 << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("light").send(String(value_lightBH1750)); d.lastsentvalue=value_lightBH1750; d.lastsent=millis(); } } #endif #ifdef SENSOR_LDR void loop_LDR() { sensordata &d=dataLDR; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { value_ldr = get_lux(in_ldr, out_ldr, LDRARRAYSIZE)/10.0; //read light level in lux if (fabs(d.lastsentvalue-value_ldr)>=d.minchange){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { Serial.print("Sending LDR. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); checkESPStatus(); Homie.getLogger() << "light " << ": " << value_ldr << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("light").send(String(value_ldr)); d.lastsentvalue=value_ldr; d.lastsent=millis(); } } #endif #ifdef SENSOR_PIR void loop_PIR() { sensordata &d=dataPIR; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { if (digitalRead(PIRPIN) != value_PIR){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { //send current value after some long time Serial.print("Sending motion. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); if (digitalRead(PIRPIN)){ Homie.getLogger() << "motion " << ": " << "true" << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("motion").send(String("true")); value_PIR=true; }else{ Homie.getLogger() << "motion " << ": " << "false" << endl; sensorNode.setProperty("motion").send(String("false")); value_PIR=false; } d.lastsent=millis(); } } #endif #ifdef SENSOR_MHZ19 void loop_MHZ19() { sensordata &d=dataMHZ19; bool _changed=false; if (millis() >= (d.lastreadtime+d.readdelay)) { mhz19_ready=mhz19.isReady(); value_co2=mhz19.readValue(); //[ppm] //Homie.getLogger() << "co2 " << ": " << value_co2 << " status=" << mhz19_ready << endl; if (fabs(d.lastsentvalue-value_co2)>=d.minchange){ _changed=true; } d.lastreadtime=millis(); } if (_changed || millis() >= (d.lastsent+d.senddelaymax)) { Serial.print("Sending MHZ19. reason="); if (_changed) Serial.println("change"); else Serial.println("time"); checkESPStatus(); Homie.getLogger() << "co2 " << ": " << value_co2 << endl; if (mhz19_ready){ //send no co2 values if not warmed up. can take several miniutes sensorNode.setProperty("co2").send(String(value_co2)); }else{ Homie.getLogger() << "co2 not ready. didnt sent" << endl; } d.lastsentvalue=value_co2; d.lastsent=millis(); } } #endif void loopHandler() { #ifdef SENSOR_DHT22 loop_DHT22_temperature(); loop_DHT22_humidity(); #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BMP180 loop_BMP180_temperature(); loop_BMP180_pressure(); #endif #ifdef SENSOR_BH1750 loop_BH1750(); #endif #ifdef SENSOR_LDR loop_LDR(); #endif #ifdef SENSOR_PIR loop_PIR(); #endif #ifdef SENSOR_MHZ19 loop_MHZ19(); #endif } void checkESPStatus() { if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) //restart if wifi signal loss { ESP.reset(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate lux based on rawADC reading from LDR returns value in lux/10 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //quelle: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/souliss/1kMAltPB2ME[1-25] #ifdef SENSOR_LDR int get_lux(const unsigned int* _in, const unsigned int* _out, byte size) { // take care the value is within range // val = constrain(val, _in[0], _in[size-1]); unsigned int val = analogRead(LDR_PIN); #ifdef DEBUG //DEBUG++++++++++++++++ Serial.print("LDR RAW=: "); Serial.println(val); #endif if (val <= _in[0]) return _out[0]; if (val >= _in[size-1]) return _out[size-1]; // search right interval byte pos = 1; // _in[0] allready tested while(val > _in[pos]) pos++; // this will handle all exact "points" in the _in array if (val == _in[pos]) return _out[pos]; // interpolate in the right segment for the rest return map(val, _in[pos-1], _in[pos], _out[pos-1], _out[pos]); } #endif