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# polipo.pot
# generated from ./applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
#. Polipo
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:1
msgid "polipo"
msgstr ""
#. On-Disk Cache
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:2
msgid "polipo_cache"
msgstr ""
#. Shared cache
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:3
msgid "polipo_cache_cacheisshared"
msgstr ""
#. Enable if cache (proxy) is shared by multiple users.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:4
msgid "polipo_cache_cacheisshared_desc"
msgstr ""
#. To enable polipo on-disk cache cleaning (highly recommended), you should add a cron job in Scheduled Tasks services that will execute /usr/sbin/polipo_purge script. For example to perform disk cache cleanup every day at 6:00 in the morning you should add the following line in Scheduled Tasks "0 6 * * * /usr/sbin/polipo_purge" (without quotes).
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:5
msgid "polipo_cache_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Disk cache location
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:6
msgid "polipo_cache_diskcacheroot"
msgstr ""
#. Location where polipo will cache files permanently. Use of external storage devices is recommended, because the cache can grow considerably. Leave it empty to disable on-disk cache.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:7
msgid "polipo_cache_diskcacheroot_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Truncate cache files size (in bytes)
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:8
msgid "polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatesize"
msgstr ""
#. Size to which cached files should be truncated. (default value: 1048576)
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:9
msgid "polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatesize_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Truncate cache files time
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:10
msgid "polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatetime"
msgstr ""
#. Time after which cached files will be truncated. (default value: 4d12h)
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:11
msgid "polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatetime_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Delete cache files time
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:12
msgid "polipo_cache_diskcacheunlinktime"
msgstr ""
#. Time after which cached files will be deleted. (default value: 32d)
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:13
msgid "polipo_cache_diskcacheunlinktime_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:14
msgid "polipo_desc"
msgstr ""
#. General
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:15
msgid "polipo_general"
msgstr ""
#. Allowed clients
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:16
msgid "polipo_general_allowedclients"
msgstr ""
#. When listen address is set to or :: (IPv6), you must list clients that are allowed to connect. The format is IP address or network address (,, 2001:660:116::/48 (IPv6)).
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:17
msgid "polipo_general_allowedclients_desc"
msgstr ""
#. In RAM cache size (in bytes)
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:18
msgid "polipo_general_chunkhighmark"
msgstr ""
#. How much RAM should Polipo use for its cache.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:19
msgid "polipo_general_chunkhighmark_desc"
msgstr ""
#. DNS server address
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:20
msgid "polipo_general_dnsnameserver"
msgstr ""
#. Set the DNS server address to use, if you want Polipo to use different DNS server than the host system.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:21
msgid "polipo_general_dnsnameserver_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Query DNS for IPv6
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:22
msgid "polipo_general_dnsqueryipv6"
msgstr ""
#. false = Do not query IPv6; reluctantly = Query both, prefer IPv4; happily = Query both, prefer IPv6; true = Query only IPv6
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:23
msgid "polipo_general_dnsqueryipv6_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Query DNS by hostname
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:24
msgid "polipo_general_dnsusegethostbyname"
msgstr ""
#. false = Never use system DNS resolver; reluctantly = Query DNS directly, if DNS server is unavailable fail to system DNS resolver; happily = Query DNS directly, if host could not be found fallback to system DNS resolver; true = Always use system DNS resolver
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:25
msgid "polipo_general_dnsusegethostbyname_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Syslog facility
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:26
msgid "polipo_general_logfacility"
msgstr ""
#. Log file location
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:27
msgid "polipo_general_logfile"
msgstr ""
#. Use of external storage device is recommended, because the log file is written frequently and can grow considerably.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:28
msgid "polipo_general_logfile_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Log to syslog
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:29
msgid "polipo_general_logsyslog"
msgstr ""
#. Parent proxy authentication
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:30
msgid "polipo_general_parentauthcredentials"
msgstr ""
#. Basic HTTP authentication supported. Provide username and password in username:password format.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:31
msgid "polipo_general_parentauthcredentials_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Parent proxy address
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:32
msgid "polipo_general_parentproxy"
msgstr ""
#. Parent proxy address (in host:port format), to which Polipo will forward the requests.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:33
msgid "polipo_general_parentproxy_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Listen address
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:34
msgid "polipo_general_proxyaddress"
msgstr ""
#. The interface on which Polipo will listen. To listen on all interfaces use or :: (IPv6).
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:35
msgid "polipo_general_proxyaddress_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Listen port
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:36
msgid "polipo_general_proxyport"
msgstr ""
#. Port on which Polipo will listen. (default value: 8123)
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:37
msgid "polipo_general_proxyport_desc"
msgstr ""
#. Poor Man's Multiplexing
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:38
msgid "polipo_pmm"
msgstr ""
#. Poor Man's Multiplexing (PMM) is a technique that simulates multiplexing by requesting an instance in multiple segments. It tries to lower the latency caused by the weakness of HTTP protocol. NOTE: some sites may not work with PMM enabled.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:39
msgid "polipo_pmm_desc"
msgstr ""
#. First PMM segment size (in bytes)
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:40
msgid "polipo_pmm_pmmfirstsize"
msgstr ""
#. Size of the first PMM segment. If not defined, it defaults to twice the PMM segment size.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:41
msgid "polipo_pmm_pmmfirstsize_desc"
msgstr ""
#. PMM segments size (in bytes)
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:42
msgid "polipo_pmm_pmmsize"
msgstr ""
#. To enable PMM, PMM segment size must be set to some positive value.
#: applications/luci-polipo/luasrc/i18n/polipo.en.lua:43
msgid "polipo_pmm_pmmsize_desc"
msgstr ""