uc: increase sampling rate to 625Hz on ADC0 and ADC1. Use CTC for finetuning frequency.

This commit is contained in:
Bart Van Der Meerssche 2010-03-25 14:16:04 +00:00
parent 03eee97e37
commit 24d8104aac
3 changed files with 80 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -81,19 +81,20 @@ AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER = usbtiny
MCU = atmega48
F_CPU = 1000000
# Predefine the TYPE and SENSORx C macros in main.h via this Makefile. Override the
# defaults on the command line by typing:
# Predefine the TYPE and SENSORx C macros in main.h via this Makefile.
# Override the defaults on the command line by typing:
# make TYPE=xxxx SENSOR0=yyyy ...
TYPE = 2301
DBG = 0
TYPE = 2300501
SENSOR0 = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde0
SENSOR1 = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde1
SENSOR2 = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde2
SENSOR3 = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde3

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@ -73,41 +73,47 @@ ISR(PCINT2_vect) {
// interrupt service routine for ADC
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
#if DBG > 0
PORTD |= (1<<PD4);
// read ADC result
// add to nano(Wh) counter
if (muxn < 2) {
MacU16X16to32(aux[muxn].nano, METERCONST, ADC);
MacU16X16to32(aux[muxn].nano, METERCONST, ADC);
if (aux[muxn].nano > WATT) {
aux[muxn].pulse = true;
aux[muxn].nano -= WATT;
if (timer == SECOND) {
aux[muxn].nano_start = aux[muxn].nano_end;
aux[muxn].nano_end = aux[muxn].nano;
aux[muxn].pulse_count_final = aux[muxn].pulse_count;
aux[muxn].pulse_count = 0;
aux[muxn].power = true;
if (aux[muxn].nano > WATT) {
aux[muxn].pulse = true;
aux[muxn].nano -= WATT;
// rotate the available ADC input channels (0 to 7)
if (timer == SECOND) {
aux[muxn].nano_start = aux[muxn].nano_end;
aux[muxn].nano_end = aux[muxn].nano;
aux[muxn].pulse_count_final = aux[muxn].pulse_count;
aux[muxn].pulse_count = 0;
aux[muxn].power = true;
// cycle through the available ADC input channels (0 and 1)
if (!(muxn &= 0x7)) timer++;
if (!(muxn &= 0x1)) timer++;
if (timer > SECOND) timer = 0;
// but only use ADC0 and 1
if (muxn < 2) {
ADMUX &= 0xF8;
ADMUX |= muxn;
ADMUX &= 0xF8;
ADMUX |= muxn;
// start a new ADC conversion
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);
// start a new ADC conversion
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);
#if DBG > 0
PORTD &= ~(1<<PD4);
#if DBG > 1
aux[muxn].nano = WATT+1;
timer = SECOND;
// interrupt service routine for analog comparator
@ -197,7 +203,10 @@ void setup()
// enable INT0 and INT1 interrupts
EIMSK = (1<<INT0) | (1<<INT1);
#if DBG > 0
// re-use PD4 pin for tracing interrupt times
DDRD |= (1<<DDD4);
// PD4=PCINT20 configuration
// set as input pin with 20k pull-up enabled
PORTD |= (1<<PD4);
@ -205,6 +214,7 @@ void setup()
PCMSK2 |= (1<<PCINT20);
//pin change interrupt enable 2
PCICR |= (1<<PCIE2);
// analog comparator setup for brown-out detection
// PD7=AIN1 configured by default as input to obtain high impedance
@ -216,10 +226,20 @@ void setup()
// bandgap select | AC interrupt enable | AC interrupt on rising edge (DS p.243)
ACSR |= (1<<ACBG) | (1<<ACIE) | (1<<ACIS1) | (1<<ACIS0);
// Timer2 normal operation
// Timer2 clock prescaler set to 1 => fTOV2 = 1000kHz / 256 / 1 = 3906.24Hz (DS p.158)
TCCR2B |= (1<<CS20);
TIMSK2 |= (1<<TOIE2);
// Timer2 set to CTC mode (DS p.146, 154, 157)
TCCR2A |= 1<<WGM21;
#if DBG > 0
// Toogle pin OC2A=PB3 on compare match
TCCR2A |= 1<<COM2A0;
// Set PB3 as output pin
DDRB |= (1<<DDB3);
// Timer2 clock prescaler set to 8 => fTOV2 = 1000kHz / 256 / 8 = 488.28Hz (DS p.158)
TCCR2B |= (1<<CS21);
// Enable output compare match interrupt for timer2 (DS p.159)
TIMSK2 |= (1<<OCIE2A);
// Increase sampling frequency to 1250Hz (= 625Hz per channel)
OCR2A = 0x63;
// disable digital input cicuitry on ADCx pins to reduce leakage current
DIDR0 |= (1<<ADC5D) | (1<<ADC4D) | (1<<ADC3D) | (1<<ADC2D) | (1<<ADC1D) | (1<<ADC0D);

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
# define POWER 1
# define WATT 1000000000
# define SECOND 487 // rounded down from 488.28125 - 1
# define SECOND 624 // 625Hz - 1
#ifndef SENSOR0
#define SENSOR0 "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde0"
@ -43,33 +43,33 @@
#ifndef TYPE
#define TYPE 2301
#define TYPE 2300501
#if TYPE == 2201 // 220V - 1-phase @ 488.28Hz sampling rate
#define METERCONST 6783
#warning "220V - 1-phase selected. METERCONST set to 6783"
#ifndef METERCONST // @ 625Hz sampling rate
#if TYPE == 2200501
#define METERCONST 5299
#warning "220V - 50A - 1-phase selected. METERCONST set to 5299"
#elif TYPE == 2203 // 220V - 3-phase @ 488.28Hz sampling rate
#define METERCONST 6721
#warning "220V - 3-phase selected. METERCONST set to 6721"
#elif TYPE == 2200503
#define METERCONST 5251
#warning "220V - 50A - 3-phase selected. METERCONST set to 5251"
#elif TYPE == 2301 // 230V - 1-phase @ 488.28Hz sampling rate
#define METERCONST 7091
#warning "230V - 1-phase selected. METERCONST set to 7091"
#elif TYPE == 2300501
#define METERCONST 5540
#warning "230V - 50A - 1-phase selected. METERCONST set to 5540"
#elif TYPE == 2303 // 230V - 3-phase @ 488.28Hz sampling rate
#define METERCONST 7026
#warning "230V - 3-phase selected. METERCONST set to 7026"
#elif TYPE == 2300503
#define METERCONST 5489
#warning "230V - 50A - 3-phase selected. METERCONST set to 5489"
#elif TYPE == 2401 // 240V - 1-phase @ 488.28Hz sampling rate
#define METERCONST 7399
#warning "240V - 1-phase selected. METERCONST set to 7399"
#elif TYPE == 2400501
#define METERCONST 5780
#warning "240V - 50A - 1-phase selected. METERCONST set to 5780"
#elif TYPE == 2403 // 240V - 3-phase @ 488.28Hz sampling rate
#define METERCONST 7331
#warning "240V - 3-phase selected. METERCONST set to 7331"
#elif TYPE == 2400503
#define METERCONST 5727
#warning "240V - 50A - 3-phase selected. METERCONST set to 5727"