------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Doclet to format source code according to LuaDoc standard tags. This doclet -- (re)write .lua files adding missing standard tags. Texts are formatted to -- 80 columns and function parameters are added based on code analysis. -- -- @release $Id: formatter.lua 3941 2008-12-23 21:39:38Z jow $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local util = require "luadoc.util" local assert, ipairs, pairs, type = assert, ipairs, pairs, type local string = require"string" local table = require"table" module "luadoc.doclet.formatter" options = { output_dir = "./", } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assembly the output filename for an input file. -- TODO: change the name of this function function out_file (filename) local h = filename h = options.output_dir..h return h end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate a new lua file for each input lua file. If the user does not -- specify a different output directory input files will be rewritten. -- @param doc documentation table function start (doc) local todo = "" -- Process files for i, file_doc in ipairs(doc.files) do -- assembly the filename local filename = out_file(file_doc.name) luadoc.logger:info(string.format("generating file `%s'", filename)) -- TODO: confirm file overwrite local f = posix.open(filename, "w") assert(f, string.format("could not open `%s' for writing", filename)) for _, block in ipairs(file_doc.doc) do -- write reorganized comments f:write(string.rep("-", 80).."\n") -- description f:write(util.comment(util.wrap(block.description, 77))) f:write("\n") if block.class == "function" then -- parameters table.foreachi(block.param, function (_, param_name) f:write(util.comment(util.wrap(string.format("@param %s %s", param_name, block.param[param_name] or todo), 77))) f:write("\n") end) -- return if type(block.ret) == "table" then table.foreachi(block.ret, function (_, ret) f:write(util.comment(util.wrap(string.format("@return %s", ret), 77)).."\n") end) else f:write(util.comment(util.wrap(string.format("@return %s", block.ret or todo), 77)).."\n") end end -- TODO: usage -- TODO: see -- write code for _, line in ipairs(block.code) do f:write(line.."\n") end end f:close() end end