%% @author Bart Van Der Meerssche %% @copyright (C) 2009-2011 Bart Van Der Meerssche %%% %%% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify %%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or %%% (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %%% GNU General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program. If not, see . %%% %% @doc Flukso API: /sensor/xyz resource specification -module(flukso_sensor_xyz). -author('Bart Van Der Meerssche '). -export([init/1, allowed_methods/2, malformed_request/2, is_authorized/2, content_types_provided/2, to_json/2, process_post/2]). -include_lib("webmachine/include/webmachine.hrl"). -include("flukso.hrl"). init([]) -> {ok, undefined}. % debugging %init(Config) -> % {{trace, "/tmp"}, Config}. allowed_methods(ReqData, State) -> {['POST', 'GET'], ReqData, State}. malformed_request(ReqData, State) -> case wrq:method(ReqData) of 'POST' -> malformed_POST(ReqData, State); 'GET' -> malformed_GET(ReqData, State) end. malformed_POST(ReqData, _State) -> {_Version, ValidVersion} = check_version(wrq:get_req_header("X-Version", ReqData)), {RrdSensor, ValidSensor} = check_sensor(wrq:path_info(sensor, ReqData)), {Digest, ValidDigest} = check_digest(wrq:get_req_header("X-Digest", ReqData)), State = #state{rrdSensor = RrdSensor, digest = Digest}, {case {ValidVersion, ValidSensor, ValidDigest} of {true, true, true} -> false; _ -> true end, ReqData, State}. malformed_GET(ReqData, _State) -> {_Version, ValidVersion} = check_version(wrq:get_req_header("X-Version", ReqData), wrq:get_qs_value("version", ReqData)), {RrdSensor, ValidSensor} = check_sensor(wrq:path_info(sensor, ReqData)), {RrdStart, RrdEnd, RrdResolution, ValidTime} = check_time(wrq:get_qs_value("interval", ReqData), wrq:get_qs_value("start", ReqData), wrq:get_qs_value("end", ReqData), wrq:get_qs_value("resolution", ReqData)), {RrdFactor, ValidUnit} = check_unit(wrq:get_qs_value("unit", ReqData)), {Token, ValidToken} = check_token(wrq:get_req_header("X-Token", ReqData), wrq:get_qs_value("token", ReqData)), {JsonpCallback, ValidJsonpCallback} = check_jsonp_callback(wrq:get_qs_value("jsonp_callback", ReqData)), State = #state{rrdSensor = RrdSensor, rrdStart = RrdStart, rrdEnd = RrdEnd, rrdResolution = RrdResolution, rrdFactor = RrdFactor, token = Token, jsonpCallback = JsonpCallback}, {case {ValidVersion, ValidSensor, ValidTime, ValidUnit, ValidToken, ValidJsonpCallback} of {true, true, true, true, true, true} -> false; _ -> true end, ReqData, State}. is_authorized(ReqData, State) -> case wrq:method(ReqData) of 'POST' -> is_auth_POST(ReqData, State); 'GET' -> is_auth_GET(ReqData, State) end. is_auth_POST(ReqData, #state{rrdSensor = Sensor, digest = ClientDigest} = State) -> {data, Result} = mysql:execute(pool, device_key, [Sensor]), [[Key]] = mysql:get_result_rows(Result), Data = wrq:req_body(ReqData), <> = crypto:sha_mac(Key, Data), ServerDigest = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~40.16.0b", [X])), {case ServerDigest of ClientDigest -> true; _WrongDigest -> "access refused" end, ReqData, State}. is_auth_GET(ReqData, #state{rrdSensor = RrdSensor, token = Token} = State) -> {data, Result} = mysql:execute(pool, permissions, [RrdSensor, Token]), {case mysql:get_result_rows(Result) of [[62]] -> true; _Permission -> "access refused" end, ReqData, State}. content_types_provided(ReqData, State) -> {[{"application/json", to_json}], ReqData, State}. to_json(ReqData, #state{rrdSensor = RrdSensor, rrdStart = RrdStart, rrdEnd = RrdEnd, rrdResolution = RrdResolution, rrdFactor = RrdFactor, jsonpCallback = JsonpCallback} = State) -> case wrq:get_qs_value("interval", ReqData) of "night" -> Path = ?NIGHT_PATH; _Interval -> Path = ?BASE_PATH end, %% debugging: io:format("~s~n", [erlrrd:c([[Path, [RrdSensor|".rrd"]], "AVERAGE", ["-s ", RrdStart], ["-e ", RrdEnd], ["-r ", RrdResolution]])]), case erlrrd:fetch(erlrrd:c([[Path, [RrdSensor|".rrd"]], "AVERAGE", ["-s ", RrdStart], ["-e ", RrdEnd], ["-r ", RrdResolution]])) of {ok, Response} -> Filtered = [re:split(X, "[:][ ]", [{return,list}]) || [X] <- Response, string:str(X, ":") == 11], Datapoints = [[list_to_integer(X), round(list_to_float(Y) * RrdFactor)] || [X, Y] <- Filtered, string:len(Y) /= 3], Nans = [[list_to_integer(X), list_to_binary(Y)] || [X, Y] <- Filtered, string:len(Y) == 3], Final = mochijson2:encode(lists:merge(Datapoints, Nans)), {case JsonpCallback of undefined -> Final; _ -> [JsonpCallback, "(", Final, ");"] end, ReqData, State}; {error, _Reason} -> {{halt, 404}, ReqData, State} end. % JSON: {"measurements":[[,],...,[,]]} % Mochijson2: {struct,[{<<"measurements">>,[[,],...,[,]]}]} process_post(ReqData, #state{rrdSensor = RrdSensor} = State) -> {struct, JsonData} = mochijson2:decode(wrq:req_body(ReqData)), Measurements = proplists:get_value(<<"measurements">>, JsonData), RrdData = [[integer_to_list(Time), ":", integer_to_list(Counter), " "] || [Time, Counter] <- Measurements], [LastTimestamp, LastValue] = lists:last(Measurements), {data, Result} = mysql:execute(pool, sensor_props, [RrdSensor]), [[Uid, _Device, Midnight]] = mysql:get_result_rows(Result), %debugging: io:format("~s~n", [[Path, [RrdSensor|".rrd"], " ", RrdData]]), case erlrrd:update([?BASE_PATH, [RrdSensor|".rrd"], " ", RrdData]) of {ok, _RrdResponse} -> RrdResponse = "ok", NewMidnight = update_night(RrdSensor, Uid, Midnight, LastTimestamp), mysql:execute(pool, sensor_update, [unix_time(), NewMidnight, LastValue, RrdSensor]); {error, RrdResponse} -> true end, JsonResponse = mochijson2:encode({struct, [{<<"response">>, list_to_binary(RrdResponse)}]}), {true , wrq:set_resp_body(JsonResponse, ReqData), State}. update_night(RrdSensor, Uid, Midnight, LastTimestamp) when LastTimestamp > Midnight + 6 * ?HOUR -> LastMidnight = calculate_midnight(unix_time(), Uid), case erlrrd:fetch(erlrrd:c([[?BASE_PATH, [RrdSensor|".rrd"]], "AVERAGE", ["-s ", integer_to_list(LastMidnight + 2 * ?HOUR)], ["-e ", integer_to_list(LastMidnight + 5 * ?HOUR)], ["-r ", integer_to_list(?QUARTER)]])) of {ok, Response} -> Filtered = [re:split(X, "[:][ ]", [{return,list}]) || [X] <- Response, string:str(X, ":") == 11], Datapoints = [list_to_float(Y) || [_X, Y] <- Filtered, string:len(Y) /= 3], NightAverage = lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X / 12 + Sum end, 0, Datapoints), %debugging: io:format("~s~n", [[?NIGHT_PATH, [RrdSensor|".rrd"], " ", integer_to_list(LastMidnight + 5 * ?HOUR), ":", float_to_list(NightAverage)]]), erlrrd:update([?NIGHT_PATH, [RrdSensor|".rrd"], " ", integer_to_list(LastMidnight + 5 * ?HOUR), ":", float_to_list(NightAverage)]); {error, _Reason} -> true end, LastMidnight + ?DAY; update_night(_RrdSensor, _Uid, Midnight, _LastTimestamp) -> Midnight. calculate_midnight(Timestamp, Uid) -> {data, Result} = mysql:execute(pool, timezone, [Uid]), [[TimezoneChar8]] = mysql:get_result_rows(Result), Timezone = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(TimezoneChar8)), closest_midnight(trunc(Timestamp/?DAY + 1) * ?DAY - Timezone, Timestamp). closest_midnight(ProposedMidnight, Timestamp) when ProposedMidnight > Timestamp -> closest_midnight(ProposedMidnight - ?DAY, Timestamp); closest_midnight(ProposedMidnight, _Timestamp) -> ProposedMidnight.