#!/bin/sh . /etc/functions.sh apply_config() { config_get init "$1" init config_get exec "$1" exec config_get test "$1" test echo "$2" > "/var/run/luci-reload-status" [ -n "$init" ] && reload_init "$2" "$init" "$test" [ -n "$exec" ] && reload_exec "$2" "$exec" "$test" } reload_exec() { [ -x $2 ] && { echo "Reloading $1... " $2 >/dev/null 2>&1 [ -n "$3" -a "$?" != "$3" ] && echo '!!! Failed to reload' $1 '!!!' } } reload_init() { [ -x /etc/init.d/$2 ] && /etc/init.d/$2 enabled && { echo "Reloading $1... " /etc/init.d/$2 reload >/dev/null 2>&1 [ -n "$3" -a "$?" != "$3" ] && echo '!!! Failed to reload' $1 '!!!' } } avahi_stop() { [ -s /var/run/avahi-daemon/pid ] && { AVAHI=1 /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop } } avahi_start() { [ -n $AVAHI ] && /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start } flukso_stop() { [ -s /var/run/fluksod/pid ] && { FLUKSO=1 /etc/init.d/flukso stop } } flukso_start() { [ -n $FLUKSO ] && /etc/init.d/flukso start } lock "/var/run/luci-reload" avahi_stop flukso_stop config_load ucitrack for i in $*; do config_foreach apply_config $i $i done flukso_start avahi_start rm -f "/var/run/luci-reload-status" lock -u "/var/run/luci-reload"