--[[ LuCId HTTP-Slave (c) 2009 Steven Barth Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local dsp = require "luci.dispatcher" local util = require "luci.util" local http = require "luci.http" local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local srv = require "luci.lucid.http.server" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local type = type module "luci.lucid.http.handler.luci" Luci = util.class(srv.Handler) function Luci.__init__(self, name, prefix) srv.Handler.__init__(self, name) self.prefix = prefix dsp.indexcache = "/tmp/luci-indexcache" end function Luci.handle_HEAD(self, ...) local stat, head = self:handle_GET(...) return stat, head end function Luci.handle_POST(self, ...) return self:handle_GET(...) end function Luci.handle_GET(self, request, sourcein) local r = http.Request( request.env, sourcein ) local res, id, data1, data2 = true, 0, nil, nil local headers = {} local status = 200 local active = true local x = coroutine.create(dsp.httpdispatch) while not id or id < 3 do res, id, data1, data2 = coroutine.resume(x, r, self.prefix) if not res then status = 500 headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" return status, headers, ltn12.source.string(id) end if id == 1 then status = data1 elseif id == 2 then if not headers[data1] then headers[data1] = data2 elseif type(headers[data1]) ~= "table" then headers[data1] = {headers[data1], data2} else headers[data1][#headers[data1]+1] = data2 end end end if id == 6 then while (coroutine.resume(x)) do end return status, headers, srv.IOResource(data1, data2) end local function iter() local res, id, data = coroutine.resume(x) if not res then return nil, id elseif not id or not active then return true elseif id == 5 then active = false while (coroutine.resume(x)) do end return nil elseif id == 4 then return data end end return status, headers, iter end