--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id: ffwizard.lua 4187 2009-01-30 15:07:36Z jow $ ]]-- local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local tools = require "luci.tools.ffwizard" local util = require "luci.util" local sys = require "luci.sys" -------------------- View -------------------- f = SimpleForm("ffwizward", "Freifunkassistent", "Dieser Assistent unterstüzt bei der Einrichtung des Routers für das Freifunknetz.") dev = f:field(ListValue, "device", "WLAN-Gerät") uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device", function(section) dev:value(section[".name"]) end) main = f:field(Flag, "wifi", "Freifunkzugang einrichten") net = f:field(Value, "net", "Freifunknetz", "1. Teil der IP-Adresse") net.rmempty = true net:depends("wifi", "1") uci:foreach("freifunk", "community", function(s) net:value(s[".name"], "%s (%s)" % {s.name, s.prefix}) end) function net.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "net") end function net.write(self, section, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "net", value) uci:save("freifunk") end subnet = f:field(Value, "subnet", "Subnetz (Projekt)", "2. Teil der IP-Adresse") subnet.rmempty = true subnet:depends("wifi", "1") function subnet.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "subnet") end function subnet.write(self, section, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "subnet", value) uci:save("freifunk") end node = f:field(Value, "node", "Knoten", "3. Teil der IP-Adresse") node.rmempty = true node:depends("wifi", "1") for i=1, 51 do node:value(i) end function node.cfgvalue(self, section) return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "node") end function node.write(self, section, value) uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "node", value) uci:save("freifunk") end client = f:field(Flag, "client", "WLAN-DHCP anbieten") client:depends("wifi", "1") client.rmempty = true olsr = f:field(Flag, "olsr", "OLSR einrichten") olsr.rmempty = true share = f:field(Flag, "sharenet", "Eigenen Internetzugang freigeben") share.rmempty = true -------------------- Control -------------------- function f.handle(self, state, data) if state == FORM_VALID then luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "uci", "changes")) return false elseif state == FORM_INVALID then self.errmessage = "Ungültige Eingabe: Bitte die Formularfelder auf Fehler prüfen." end return true end local function _strip_internals(tbl) tbl = tbl or {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if k:sub(1, 1) == "." then tbl[k] = nil end end return tbl end -- Configure Freifunk checked function main.write(self, section, value) if value == "0" then return end local device = dev:formvalue(section) local community, external -- Collect IP-Address local inet = net:formvalue(section) local isubnet = subnet:formvalue(section) local inode = node:formvalue(section) -- Invalidate fields if not inet then net.tag_missing[section] = true else community = inet external = uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or "" inet = uci:get("freifunk", community, "prefix") or inet end if not isubnet then subnet.tag_missing[section] = true end if not inode then node.tag_missing[section] = true end if not inet or not isubnet or not inode then return end local ip = "%s.%s.%s" % {inet, isubnet, inode} -- Cleanup tools.wifi_delete_ifaces(device) tools.network_remove_interface(device) tools.firewall_zone_remove_interface("freifunk", device) -- Tune community settings if community and uci:get("freifunk", community) then uci:tset("freifunk", "community", uci:get_all("freifunk", community)) end -- Tune wifi device local devconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "wifi_device") util.update(devconfig, uci:get_all(external, "wifi_device") or {}) uci:tset("wireless", device, devconfig) -- Create wifi iface local ifconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "wifi_iface") util.update(ifconfig, uci:get_all(external, "wifi_iface") or {}) ifconfig.device = device ifconfig.network = device ifconfig.ssid = uci:get("freifunk", community, "ssid") uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, ifconfig) -- Save wifi uci:save("wireless") -- Create firewall zone and add default rules (first time) local newzone = tools.firewall_create_zone("freifunk", "REJECT", "ACCEPT", "REJECT", true) if newzone then uci:foreach("freifunk", "fw_forwarding", function(section) uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, section) end) uci:foreach(external, "fw_forwarding", function(section) uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, section) end) uci:foreach("freifunk", "fw_rule", function(section) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, section) end) uci:foreach(external, "fw_rule", function(section) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, section) end) end -- Enforce firewall include local has_include = false uci:foreach("firewall", "include", function(section) if section.path == "/etc/firewall.freifunk" then has_include = true end end) if not has_include then uci:section("firewall", "include", nil, { path = "/etc/firewall.freifunk" }) end -- Allow state: invalid packets uci:foreach("firewall", "defaults", function(section) uci:set("firewall", section[".name"], "drop_invalid", "0") end) -- Prepare advanced config local has_advanced = false uci:foreach("firewall", "advanced", function(section) has_advanced = true end) if not has_advanced then uci:section("firewall", "advanced", nil, { tcp_ecn = "0" }) end uci:save("firewall") -- Create network interface local netconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "interface") util.update(netconfig, uci:get_all(external, "interface") or {}) netconfig.proto = "static" netconfig.ipaddr = ip uci:section("network", "interface", device, netconfig) uci:save("network") tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", device) -- Set hostname local new_hostname = ip:gsub("%.", "-") local old_hostname = sys.hostname() if old_hostname == "OpenWrt" or old_hostname:match("^%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+$") then uci:foreach("system", "system", function(s) uci:set("system", s['.name'], "hostname", new_hostname) end) luci.fs.writefile( "/proc/sys/kernel/hostname", new_hostname.."\n" ) uci:save("system") end end function olsr.write(self, section, value) if value == "0" then return end local device = dev:formvalue(section) local community = net:formvalue(section) local external = community and uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or "" -- Configure nameservice local hostname uci:foreach("system", "system", function(s) hostname = s.hostname end) if hostname then uci:foreach("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", function(s) if s.library == "olsrd_nameservice.so.0.3" then uci:set("olsrd", s['.name'], "name", hostname) end end) end -- Delete old interface uci:delete_all("olsrd", "Interface", {interface=device}) -- Write new interface local olsrbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "olsr_interface") util.update(olsrbase, uci:get_all(external, "olsr_interface") or {}) olsrbase.interface = device olsrbase.ignore = "0" uci:section("olsrd", "Interface", nil, olsrbase) uci:save("olsrd") -- Import hosts uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(s) uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "addnhosts", "/var/etc/hosts.olsr") end) uci:save("dhcp") end function share.write(self, section, value) uci:delete_all("firewall", "forwarding", {src="freifunk", dest="wan"}) uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"}) if value == "1" then uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {src="freifunk", dest="wan"}) uci:section("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil, {library="olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"}) end uci:save("firewall") uci:save("olsrd") end function client.write(self, section, value) if value == "0" then return end local device = dev:formvalue(section) -- Collect IP-Address local inet = net:formvalue(section) local isubnet = subnet:formvalue(section) local inode = node:formvalue(section) if not inet or not isubnet or not inode then return end local community = inet local external = community and uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or "" inet = uci:get("freifunk", community, "prefix") or inet local dhcpbeg = 48 + tonumber(inode) * 4 local dclient = "%s.%s.%s" % {inet:gsub("^[0-9]+", "10"), isubnet, dhcpbeg} local limit = dhcpbeg < 252 and 3 or 2 -- Delete old alias uci:delete("network", device .. "dhcp") -- Create alias local aliasbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "alias") util.update(aliasbase, uci:get_all(external, "alias") or {}) aliasbase.interface = device aliasbase.ipaddr = dclient aliasbase.proto = "static" uci:section("network", "alias", device .. "dhcp", aliasbase) uci:save("network") -- Create dhcp local dhcpbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "dhcp") util.update(dhcpbase, uci:get_all(external, "dhcp") or {}) dhcpbase.interface = device .. "dhcp" dhcpbase.start = dhcpbeg dhcpbase.limit = limit uci:section("dhcp", "dhcp", device .. "dhcp", dhcpbase) uci:save("dhcp") uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", { src="freifunk", proto="udp", src_port="68", dest_port="67" }) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, { src="freifunk", proto="udp", src_port="68", dest_port="67", target="ACCEPT" }) uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", { src="freifunk", proto="tcp", dest_port="8082", }) uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, { src="freifunk", proto="tcp", dest_port="8082", target="ACCEPT" }) -- Delete old splash uci:delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", {net=device, zone="freifunk"}) -- Register splash uci:section("luci_splash", "iface", nil, {net=device, zone="freifunk"}) uci:save("luci_splash") end return f