#!/usr/bin/env lua -- -- flukso.lua: flukso deamon running on openwrt -- Copyright (c) 2008-2009 jokamajo.org -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 -- of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -- -- $Id: deamon.lua 12 2009-03-04 22:30:00Z icarus75 $ -- require 'posix' require 'xmlrpc.http' data = require 'flukso.data' auth = require 'flukso.auth' dbg = require 'flukso.dbg' local param = {xmlrpcaddress = 'http://logger.flukso.net/xmlrpc', xmlrpcversion = '1', xmlrpcmethod = 'logger.measurementAdd', device = '/dev/ttyS0', interval = 300} function receive(device) return coroutine.wrap(function() -- open the connection to the syslog deamon, specifying our identity posix.openlog('flukso') posix.syslog(30, 'starting the flukso deamon') posix.syslog(30, 'listening for pulses on '..device..'...') for line in io.lines(device) do if line:sub(1, 3) == 'pls' and line:len() == 47 and line:find(':') == 37 then -- user data + additional data integrity checks posix.syslog(30, 'received pulse from '..device..': '..line:sub(5)) -- flash the power led for 50ms os.execute('gpioctl set 7') socket.select(nil, nil, 0.05) os.execute('gpioctl clear 7') local meter, value = line:sub(5, 36), tonumber(line:sub(38)) coroutine.yield(meter, os.time(), value) elseif line:sub(1, 3) == 'msg' then -- control data posix.syslog(31, 'received message from '..device..': '..line:sub(5)) else posix.syslog(27, 'input error on '..device..': '..line) end end posix.syslog(30, 'closing down the flukso deamon') os.exit() end) end function buffer(source, interval) return coroutine.wrap(function() local measurements = data.new() local threshold = os.time() + interval while true do local meter, timestamp, value = source() if meter ~= nil and timestamp > 1234567890 then measurements:add(meter, timestamp, value) end if timestamp > threshold and next(measurements) then --checking whether table is not empty coroutine.yield(measurements) threshold = timestamp + interval end end end) end function filter(source, span, offset) return coroutine.wrap(function() while true do local measurements = source() measurements:filter(span, offset) coroutine.yield(measurements) end end) end function send(source, address, version, method) return coroutine.wrap(function() while true do local measurements = source() local auth = auth.new() auth:load() auth:hmac(measurements) local status, ret_or_err, res = pcall(xmlrpc.http.call, address..'/'..version, method, auth, measurements) if status then posix.syslog(30, tostring(res)) if ret_or_err then --successful xmlrpc call measurements:clear() end else posix.syslog(27, tostring(ret_or_err)..' '..address..' '..tostring(res)) end coroutine.yield(measurements) end end) end function gc(source) return coroutine.wrap(function() while true do local measurements = source() posix.syslog(31, tostring(collectgarbage('count')*1024)..' bytes of memory used by Lua before garbage collection cycle') collectgarbage() -- force a complete garbage collection cycle posix.syslog(31, tostring(collectgarbage('count')*1024)..' bytes of memory used by Lua after garbage collection cycle') coroutine.yield(measurements) end end) end -- receive: listen to the serial port for incoming pulses -- buffer: buffer the pulses in a measurement object -- filter: sweep recursively to filter all redundant entries -- send: report the measurements to the server via xmlrpc -- gc: perform a full garbage collection cycle local aggregator = gc( send( filter( filter( filter( buffer( receive(param.device) , param.interval) , 60, 0) , 900, 7200) , 86400, 172800) , param.xmlrpcaddress, param.xmlrpcversion, param.xmlrpcmethod) ) while true do dbg.vardump(aggregator()) end