%% @author Bart Van Der Meerssche %% @copyright (C) 2009-2011 Bart Van Der Meerssche %%% %%% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify %%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or %%% (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %%% GNU General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program. If not, see . %%% %% @doc Common record definitions and helper functions for the Flukso API. -record(state, {rrdSensor, rrdStart, rrdEnd, rrdResolution, rrdFactor, token, jsonpCallback}). %% checks check_version(undefined, undefined) -> {false, false}; check_version(Version, undefined) -> case Version of "1.0" -> {Version, true}; _ -> {false, false} end; check_version(undefined, Version) -> check_version(Version, undefined); check_version(_, _) -> {false, false}. check_sensor(Sensor) -> case re:run(Sensor, "[0-9a-f]+", []) of {match, [{0,32}]} -> {Sensor, true}; _ -> {false, false} end. check_time(undefined, undefined, _End, _Resolution) -> {false, false, false, false}; check_time(Interval, undefined, undefined, undefined) -> case default_resolution(Interval) of false -> {false, false, false, false}; DefResolution -> check_time(Interval, undefined, undefined, DefResolution) end; check_time(Interval, undefined, undefined, Resolution) -> Now = unix_time(), case {time_to_seconds(Interval), time_to_seconds(Resolution)} of {false, _} -> {false, false, false, false}; {_, false} -> {false, false, false, false}; {IntervalSec, ResolutionSec} -> AlignedEnd = time_align(Now, ResolutionSec), AlignedStart = AlignedEnd - IntervalSec, {integer_to_list(AlignedStart), integer_to_list(AlignedEnd), integer_to_list(ResolutionSec), true} end; check_time(undefined, Start, undefined, Resolution) -> check_time(undefined, Start, integer_to_list(unix_time()), Resolution); check_time(undefined, Start, End, undefined) -> check_time(undefined, Start, End, "minute"); check_time(undefined, Start, End, Resolution) -> case {re:run(Start, "[0-9]+", []), re:run(End, "[0-9]+", []), time_to_seconds(Resolution)} of {_, _, false} -> {false, false, false, false}; {{match, [{0,_}]}, {match, [{0,_}]}, ResolutionSec} -> AlignedStart = time_align(list_to_integer(Start), ResolutionSec), AlignedEnd = time_align(list_to_integer(End), ResolutionSec), {integer_to_list(AlignedStart), integer_to_list(AlignedEnd), integer_to_list(ResolutionSec), true}; _ -> {false, false, false, false} end; check_time(_, _, _, _) -> {false, false, false, false}. check_unit(Unit) -> Units = [{"watt", 3600}, {"kwhperyear", 31536}, {"eurperyear", 5676}, {"audperyear", 5991}], case lists:keyfind(Unit, 1, Units) of false -> {false, false}; {_Unit, RrdFactor} -> {RrdFactor, true} end. check_token(undefined, undefined) -> {false, false}; check_token(Token, undefined) -> check_sensor(Token); check_token(undefined, Token) -> check_sensor(Token); check_token(_, _) -> {false, false}. check_jsonp_callback(undefined) -> {undefined, true}; check_jsonp_callback(JsonpCallback) -> Length = string:len(JsonpCallback), case re:run(JsonpCallback, "[0-9a-zA-Z_]+", []) of {match, [{0, Length}]} -> {JsonpCallback, true}; _ -> {false, false} end. %% helper functions unix_time() -> {Megaseconds, Seconds, _Microseconds} = erlang:now(), Megaseconds*1000000 + Seconds. time_align(Time, Resolution) -> (Time div Resolution) * Resolution. default_resolution(Interval) -> DefResolutions = [{"15min", "minute"}, {"hour", "minute"}, {"day", "15min"}, {"week", "day"}, {"month", "day"}, {"year", "week"}, {"night", "day"}], case lists:keyfind(Interval, 1, DefResolutions) of false -> false; {_Interval, Defresolution} -> Defresolution end. time_to_seconds(Time) -> Times = [{"minute", 60}, {"15min", 900}, {"hour", 3600}, {"day", 86400}, {"week", 604800}, {"month", 2419200}, {"year", 31536000}, {"night", 2419200}], case lists:keyfind(Time, 1, Times) of false -> false; {_Time, TimeSec} -> TimeSec end.