--[[ Luci statistics - diagram color helper class (c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id: colors.lua 2829 2008-08-14 22:51:12Z Cyrus $ ]]-- module("luci.statistics.rrdtool.colors", package.seeall) require("luci.util") Instance = luci.util.class() function Instance.from_string( self, s ) return { tonumber(s:sub(1,2), 16), tonumber(s:sub(3,4), 16), tonumber(s:sub(5,6), 16) } end function Instance.to_string( self, c ) return string.format( "%02x%02x%02x", math.floor(c[1]), math.floor(c[2]), math.floor(c[3]) ) end function Instance.random( self ) local r = math.random(255) local g = math.random(255) local min = 0 local max = 255 if ( r + g ) < 255 then min = 255 - r - g else max = 511 - r - g end local b = min + math.floor( math.random() * ( max - min ) ) return { r, g, b } end function Instance.faded( self, fg, opts ) opts = opts or {} opts.background = opts.background or { 255, 255, 255 } opts.alpha = opts.alpha or 0.25 if type(opts.background) == "string" then opts.background = _string_to_color(opts.background) end local bg = opts.background return { ( opts.alpha * fg[1] ) + ( ( 1.0 - opts.alpha ) * bg[1] ), ( opts.alpha * fg[2] ) + ( ( 1.0 - opts.alpha ) * bg[2] ), ( opts.alpha * fg[3] ) + ( ( 1.0 - opts.alpha ) * bg[3] ) } end