package = "nixio" version = "0.3-1" source = { url = "" } description = { summary = "System, Networking and I/O library for Lua", detailed = [[ Nixio is a multi-platform library offering a wide variety of features such as IPv4, IPv6 and UNIX networking, large file I/O, file system operations, system and process control, POSIX user/group management, basic cryptographical hashing, hmac and TLS support, bit operations and binary conversion. ]], homepage = "", license = "Apache 2.0", maintainer = "Steven Barth", } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1" } external_dependencies = { OPENSSL = { header = "openssl/ssl.h", } } build = { type = "make", build_variables = { NIXIO_LDFLAGS = "-lcrypt -L$(OPENSSL_LIBDIR) -I$(OPENSSL_INCDIR)", LUA_CFLAGS = "$(CFLAGS) -I$(LUA_INCDIR)", }, install_variables = { LUA_MODULEDIR = "$(LUADIR)", LUA_LIBRARYDIR = "$(LIBDIR)", }, }