
241 lines
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package dhcp
config package
option title 'Dnsmasq DHCPd configuration'
config section
option name 'dnsmasq'
option package 'dhcp'
option title 'General Settings'
option unique true
option required true
option dynamic true
config variable
option name 'domainneeded'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Domain required'
option description "Don't forward DNS-Requests without DNS-Name"
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'authoritative'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Authoritative'
option description 'This is the only DHCP in the local network'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'boguspriv'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Filter private'
option description "Don't forward reverse lookups for local networks"
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'filterwin2k'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Filter useless'
option description 'Filter useless DNS-queries of Windows-systems'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'localise_queries'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Localise queries'
option description 'Localises the hostname depending on its subnet'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'local'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Local Server'
config variable
option name 'domain'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Local Domain'
config variable
option name 'expandhosts'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Expand Hosts'
option description 'adds domain names to hostentries in the resolv file'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'nonegcache'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title "don't cache unknown"
option description 'prevents caching of negative DNS-replies'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'readethers'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Use /etc/ethers'
option description 'Read /etc/ethers to configure the DHCP-Server'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'leasefile'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Leasefile'
option description 'file where given DHCP-leases will be stored'
config variable
option name 'resolvfile'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Resolvfile'
option description 'local DNS file'
config variable
option name 'nohosts'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Ignore /etc/hosts '
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'strictorder'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Strict order'
option description 'DNS-Server will be queried in the order of the resolvfile'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'logqueries'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Log queries'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'noresolv'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Ignore resolve file'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'dnsforwardmax'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'concurrent queries'
option datatype uint
config variable
option name 'port'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'DNS-Port'
option datatype port
config variable
option name 'ednspacket_max'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'ednspacket_max'
option datatype uint
config variable
option name 'dhcpleasemax'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'max. DHCP -Leases'
option datatype uint
config variable
option name 'addnhosts'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'additional hostfile'
option datatype file
config variable
option name 'queryport'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'query port'
option datatype port
config variable
option name 'enable_tftp'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'Enable builtin TFTP-Server'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'tftp_root'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'TFTP-Server root directory'
option datatype directory
config variable
option name 'dhcp_boot'
option section 'dhcp.dnsmasq'
option title 'DHCP Boot image'
config section
option name 'dhcp'
option package 'dhcp'
option title 'DHCP interface configuration'
option dynamic true
config variable
option name 'interface'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'Interface'
option required true
option type reference
list valueof network.interface
list valueof network.alias
config variable
option name 'start'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'Start'
option description 'first address (last octet)'
option datatype uint
config variable
option name 'limit'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'Limit'
option description 'number of leased addresses -1'
option datatype uint
config variable
option name 'leasetime'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'Leasetime'
config variable
option name 'dynamicdhcp'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'Dynamic DHCP '
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'name'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'Name'
config variable
option name 'ignore'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'Ignore interface'
option description 'disable DHCP for this interface'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'netmask'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'IPv4-Netmask'
option datatype ip4addr
config variable
option name 'force'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'Force'
option datatype boolean
config variable
option name 'dhcp_option'
option section 'dhcp.dhcp'
option title 'DHCP-Options'
option description 'See "dnsmasq --help dhcp" for a list of available options.'
option type lazylist