Bart Van Der Meerssche 3a28838b29 change repository layout
2010-07-07 16:37:03 +02:00

53 lines
1.8 KiB

* @file node.tpl.php
* The node rendering logic for Flukso.
* In addition to the standard variables Drupal makes available to node.tpl.php,
* these variables are made available by the theme:
* - $flukso_node_author - The node's "posted by" text and author link.
* - $flukso_node_class - The CSS classes to apply to the node.
* - $flukso_node_links - The node links with a separator placed between each.
* - $flukso_perma_title - The localized permalink text for the node.
* - $flukso_term_links - The taxonomy links with a separator placed between
* each.
* - $flukso_node_timestamp - The timestamp for this type, if one should be
* rendered for this type.
* $Id$
<div id="node-<?php print $node->nid; ?>" class="<?php echo $flukso_node_class; ?>">
<?php //if ($page == 0): ?>
<div class="node-headline clear-block">
<h2><a href="<?php print $node_url; ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php print $flukso_perma_title; ?>"><?php print $title; ?></a></h2>
<?php if (isset($flukso_node_timestamp)): ?>
<span class="timestamp"><?php print $flukso_node_timestamp; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php //endif; ?>
<div class="content clear-block">
<?php if (isset($flukso_node_author)): ?>
<div class="node-author"><?php print $flukso_node_author; ?></div>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="node-author">'</div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print $picture; ?>
<?php print $content; ?>
<?php if (!empty($taxonomy) || !empty($links)): ?>
<div class="meta">
if ($taxonomy) { print $flukso_term_links; }
if (!empty($links)): ?>
<div class="links"><?php print $flukso_node_links; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- node -->