Included Modules

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Public Instance Methods

profile_banner_uri(size = :web) click to toggle source

Return the URL to the user’s profile banner image

@param size [String, Symbol] The size of the image. Must be one of: ‘mobile’, ‘mobile_retina’, ‘web’, ‘web_retina’, ‘ipad’, or ‘ipad_retina’ @return [Addressable::URI]

# File lib/twitter/profile.rb, line 28
def profile_banner_uri(size = :web)
  parse_encoded_uri(insecure_uri([@attrs[:profile_banner_url], size].join('/'))) unless @attrs[:profile_banner_url].nil?
Also aliased as: profile_banner_url
profile_banner_uri?() click to toggle source

@return [Boolean]

# File lib/twitter/profile.rb, line 43
def profile_banner_uri?
profile_banner_uri_https(size = :web) click to toggle source

Return the secure URL to the user’s profile banner image

@param size [String, Symbol] The size of the image. Must be one of: ‘mobile’, ‘mobile_retina’, ‘web’, ‘web_retina’, ‘ipad’, or ‘ipad_retina’ @return [Addressable::URI]

# File lib/twitter/profile.rb, line 37
def profile_banner_uri_https(size = :web)
  parse_encoded_uri([@attrs[:profile_banner_url], size].join('/')) unless @attrs[:profile_banner_url].nil?
Also aliased as: profile_banner_url_https
profile_banner_url(size = :web) click to toggle source
Alias for: profile_banner_uri
profile_banner_url_https(size = :web) click to toggle source
profile_image_uri(size = :normal) click to toggle source

Return the URL to the user’s profile image

@param size [String, Symbol] The size of the image. Must be one of: ‘mini’, ‘normal’, ‘bigger’ or ‘original’ @return [Addressable::URI]

# File lib/twitter/profile.rb, line 53
def profile_image_uri(size = :normal)
  parse_encoded_uri(insecure_uri(profile_image_uri_https(size))) unless @attrs[:profile_image_url_https].nil?
Also aliased as: profile_image_url
profile_image_uri?() click to toggle source

@return [Boolean]

# File lib/twitter/profile.rb, line 74
def profile_image_uri?
profile_image_uri_https(size = :normal) click to toggle source

Return the secure URL to the user’s profile image

@param size [String, Symbol] The size of the image. Must be one of: ‘mini’, ‘normal’, ‘bigger’ or ‘original’ @return [Addressable::URI]

# File lib/twitter/profile.rb, line 62
def profile_image_uri_https(size = :normal)
  # The profile image URL comes in looking like like this:
  # It can be converted to any of the following sizes:
  parse_encoded_uri(@attrs[:profile_image_url_https].sub(PROFILE_IMAGE_SUFFIX_REGEX, profile_image_suffix(size))) unless @attrs[:profile_image_url_https].nil?
Also aliased as: profile_image_url_https
profile_image_url(size = :normal) click to toggle source
Alias for: profile_image_uri
profile_image_url_https(size = :normal) click to toggle source


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