This project modifies the Adalight protocol to use [FastLED]( ([]( This expands Adalight to, in theory, work with *[any supported FastLED strip](* including WS2812B (aka Adafruit NeoPixels).
In addition to ambilight setups, the protocol can be used to stream *any* color data over serial from a computer to supported LED strips.
For this sketch to work, you'll need to have a copy of the FastLED library. You can download FastLED [from GitHub]( or through the libraries manager of the Arduino IDE. This program was writen using FastLED 3.1.3 - note that earlier versions of FastLED are untested and may not work properly.
There are also optional settings to clear the LEDs on reset, configure a dedicated ground pin, and to put the Arduino into a "calibration" mode, where all LED colors match the first LED.
Upload to your Arduino and use a corresponding PC application to stream color data. You can get the Processing files from the [main Adalight repository](, though I would recommend using [Patrick Siegler's]( fork of Lightpacks's Prismatik, which you can find [here](
I've only tested the code with the WS2812B strips I have on hand, but so far it performs flawlessly. If you find an issue with the code or can confirm that it works with another chipset, please let me know!
Thanks to Adafruit for the initial code and for developing the Adalight protocol. The base for the original FastLED modifications is [this gist]( by [James Bruce]( Thanks James!