Added Sinusoidal Control Type
Sinusoidal Control Type is now available is this branch. To select it go in config.h and change CTRL_TYP_SEL to 1. By default FOC control type is selcted. Note: SPEED and TORQUE modes are not available for Sinusoidal control type.
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 1502 additions and 1242 deletions
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 136 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 189 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
% >> improved motor efficiency -> lower energy consumption
% Author: Emanuel FERU
% Copyright © 2019 Emanuel FERU <>
% Copyright © 2019-2020 Emanuel FERU <>
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ r_cos_M1 = cos((a_elecAngle_XA + 30)*(pi/180));
%% Control Manager
% Control type selection
CTRL_COM = 0; % [-] Commutation Control
CTRL_FOC = 1; % [-] Field Oriented Control (FOC)
CTRL_SIN = 1; % [-] Sinusoidal Control
CTRL_FOC = 2; % [-] Field Oriented Control (FOC)
z_ctrlTypSel = CTRL_FOC; % [-] Control Type Selection (default)
% Control model request
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ cf_currFilt = 0.12; % [%] Current filter coefficient [0, 1]. Lower v
b_diagEna = 1; % [-] Diagnostics enable flag: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (default)
t_errQual = 0.6 * f_ctrl; % [s] Error qualification time
t_errDequal = 2.0 * f_ctrl; % [s] Error dequalification time
r_errInpTgtThres = 200; % [-] Error input target threshold (for "Blocked motor" detection)
r_errInpTgtThres = 400; % [-] Error input target threshold (for "Blocked motor" detection)
%% F04_Field_Oriented_Control
@ -146,10 +147,30 @@ iq_maxSca_M1 = sqrt(1 - iq_maxSca_XA.^2);
%% F05_Control_Type_Management
% Commutation method
z_commutMap_M1 = [-1 -1 0 1 1 0; % Phase A
1 0 -1 -1 0 1; % Phase B
0 1 1 0 -1 -1]; % Phase C [-] Commutation method map
% Sinusoidal method
% The map below was experimentaly calibrated on the real motor. Objectives: minimum noise and minimum torque ripple
a_phaAdv_M1 = [0 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 9 16 25]; % [deg] Phase advance angle
r_phaAdv_XA = [0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000]; % [-] Scaled input target grid
% plot(r_phaAdv_XA, a_phaAdv_M1);
omega = a_elecAngle_XA*(pi/180);
pha_adv = 30; % [deg] Phase advance to mach commands with the Hall position
r_sinPhaA_M1 = -sin(omega + pha_adv*(pi/180));
r_sinPhaB_M1 = -sin(omega - 120*(pi/180) + pha_adv*(pi/180));
r_sinPhaC_M1 = -sin(omega + 120*(pi/180) + pha_adv*(pi/180));
% Sinusoidal 3rd armonic method
A = 1.15; % Sine amplitude (tunable to get the Saddle sin maximum to value 1000)
sin3Arm = -0.224*sin(3*(omega + pha_adv*(pi/180))); % 3rd armonic
r_sin3PhaA_M1 = sin3Arm + A*r_sinPhaA_M1;
r_sin3PhaB_M1 = sin3Arm + A*r_sinPhaB_M1;
r_sin3PhaC_M1 = sin3Arm + A*r_sinPhaC_M1;
disp('---- BLDC_controller: Initialization OK ----');
@ -158,64 +179,70 @@ show_fig = 0;
if show_fig
% Apply scaling
sca_factor = 1000; % [-] scalling factor (to avoid truncation approximations on integer data type)
r_sinPhaA_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sinPhaA_M1;
r_sinPhaB_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sinPhaB_M1;
r_sinPhaC_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sinPhaC_M1;
r_sin3PhaA_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sin3PhaA_M1;
r_sin3PhaB_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sin3PhaB_M1;
r_sin3PhaC_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sin3PhaC_M1;
% Trapezoidal method
a_trapElecAngle_XA = [0 60 120 180 240 300 360]; % [deg] Electrical angle grid
r_trapPhaA_M1 = sca_factor*[ 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1];
r_trapPhaB_M1 = sca_factor*[-1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1];
r_trapPhaC_M1 = sca_factor*[ 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1];
% Sinusoidal method
a_sinElecAngle_XA = 0:10:360;
omega = a_sinElecAngle_XA*(pi/180);
pha_adv = 30; % [deg] Phase advance to mach commands with the Hall position
r_sinPhaA_M1 = -sca_factor*sin(omega + pha_adv*(pi/180));
r_sinPhaB_M1 = -sca_factor*sin(omega - 120*(pi/180) + pha_adv*(pi/180));
r_sinPhaC_M1 = -sca_factor*sin(omega + 120*(pi/180) + pha_adv*(pi/180));
% Commutation method
a_commElecAngle_XA = [0 60 120 180 240 300 360]; % [deg] Electrical angle grid
hall_A = [0 0 0 1 1 1 1] + 4;
hall_B = [1 1 0 0 0 1 1] + 2;
hall_C = [0 1 1 1 0 0 0];
% SVM (Space Vector Modulation) calculation
SVM_vec = [r_sinPhaA_M1; r_sinPhaB_M1; r_sinPhaC_M1];
SVM_vec = [r_sinPhaA_M1sca; r_sinPhaB_M1sca; r_sinPhaC_M1sca];
SVM_min = min(SVM_vec);
SVM_max = max(SVM_vec);
SVM_sum = SVM_min + SVM_max;
SVM_vec = SVM_vec - 0.5*SVM_sum;
SVM_vec = (2/sqrt(3))*SVM_vec;
hall_A = [0 0 0 1 1 1 1] + 4;
hall_B = [1 1 0 0 0 1 1] + 2;
hall_C = [0 1 1 1 0 0 0];
color = ['m' 'g' 'b'];
lw = 1.5;
s1 = subplot(221); hold on
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, hall_A, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, hall_B, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, hall_C, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
s1 = subplot(231); hold on
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_A, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_B, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_C, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
title('Hall sensors');
legend('Phase A','Phase B','Phase C','Location','NorthEast');
s2 = subplot(222); hold on
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, hall_A, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, hall_B, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, hall_C, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
s2 = subplot(232); hold on
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_A, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_B, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_C, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
title('Hall sensors');
legend('Phase A','Phase B','Phase C','Location','NorthEast');
s3 = subplot(223); hold on
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(1,:) z_commutMap_M1(1,1)] + 6000, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(2,:) z_commutMap_M1(2,1)] + 3000, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_trapElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(3,:) z_commutMap_M1(3,1)], color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
s3 = subplot(233); hold on
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_A, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_B, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_C, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
title('Hall sensors');
legend('Phase A','Phase B','Phase C','Location','NorthEast');
s4 = subplot(234); hold on
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(1,:) z_commutMap_M1(1,1)] + 6000, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(2,:) z_commutMap_M1(2,1)] + 3000, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(3,:) z_commutMap_M1(3,1)], color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
ylim([-1000 7000]);
@ -223,16 +250,27 @@ if show_fig
title('Commutation method [0]');
xlabel('Electrical angle [deg]');
s4 = subplot(224); hold on
plot(a_sinElecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(1,:), color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_sinElecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(2,:), color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_sinElecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(3,:), color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
s5 = subplot(235); hold on
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, r_sin3PhaA_M1sca, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, r_sin3PhaB_M1sca, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, r_sin3PhaC_M1sca, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
ylim([-1000 1000])
title('FOC method [1]');
title('SIN method [1]');
xlabel('Electrical angle [deg]');
linkaxes([s1 s2 s3 s4],'x');
s6 = subplot(236); hold on
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(1,:), color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(2,:), color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(3,:), color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
ylim([-1000 1000])
title('FOC method [2]');
xlabel('Electrical angle [deg]');
linkaxes([s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6],'x');
xlim([0 360]);
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Code generated for Simulink model 'BLDC_controller'.
* Model version : 1.1199
* Model version : 1.1212
* Simulink Coder version : 8.13 (R2017b) 24-Jul-2017
* C/C++ source code generated on : Sun Nov 3 12:28:16 2019
* C/C++ source code generated on : Sat Nov 30 08:54:28 2019
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
@ -30,122 +30,138 @@
/* Forward declaration for rtModel */
typedef struct tag_RTM RT_MODEL;
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S11>/Counter' */
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S10>/Counter' */
typedef struct {
int16_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S17>/UnitDelay' */
int16_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S14>/UnitDelay' */
} DW_Counter;
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S40>/PI_clamp_fixdt_id' */
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S46>/PI_clamp_fixdt_id' */
typedef struct {
int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S65>/UnitDelay' */
boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '<S62>/UnitDelay1' */
int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S67>/UnitDelay' */
boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '<S64>/UnitDelay1' */
} DW_PI_clamp_fixdt;
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S31>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S37>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
typedef struct {
int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE[2]; /* '<S44>/UnitDelay3' */
int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE[2]; /* '<S50>/UnitDelay3' */
} DW_Low_Pass_Filter;
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S38>/PI_clamp_fixdt_n' */
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S44>/PI_clamp_fixdt_n' */
typedef struct {
int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S55>/UnitDelay' */
boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '<S53>/UnitDelay1' */
int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S57>/UnitDelay' */
boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '<S55>/UnitDelay1' */
} DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_c;
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S22>/Counter' */
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S19>/Counter' */
typedef struct {
uint16_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S27>/UnitDelay' */
uint16_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S24>/UnitDelay' */
} DW_Counter_l;
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S18>/either_edge' */
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S15>/either_edge' */
typedef struct {
boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S23>/UnitDelay' */
boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S20>/UnitDelay' */
} DW_either_edge;
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<S3>/Debounce_Filter' */
typedef struct {
DW_either_edge either_edge_k; /* '<S18>/either_edge' */
DW_Counter_l Counter_h; /* '<S21>/Counter' */
DW_Counter_l Counter_i0; /* '<S22>/Counter' */
boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S18>/UnitDelay' */
DW_either_edge either_edge_k; /* '<S15>/either_edge' */
DW_Counter_l Counter_h; /* '<S18>/Counter' */
DW_Counter_l Counter_i0; /* '<S19>/Counter' */
boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S15>/UnitDelay' */
} DW_Debounce_Filter;
/* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '<Root>' */
typedef struct {
DW_either_edge either_edge_a; /* '<S3>/either_edge' */
DW_Debounce_Filter Debounce_Filter_f;/* '<S3>/Debounce_Filter' */
DW_PI_clamp_fixdt PI_clamp_fixdt_iq; /* '<S39>/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq' */
DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_c PI_clamp_fixdt_n_o;/* '<S38>/PI_clamp_fixdt_n' */
DW_Low_Pass_Filter Low_Pass_Filter_m;/* '<S31>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
DW_PI_clamp_fixdt PI_clamp_fixdt_id; /* '<S40>/PI_clamp_fixdt_id' */
DW_Counter Counter_e; /* '<S11>/Counter' */
int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S51>/UnitDelay' */
int16_T Gain4[3]; /* '<S33>/Gain4' */
int16_T Sum1[2]; /* '<S44>/Sum1' */
int16_T z_counterRawPrev; /* '<S16>/z_counterRawPrev' */
DW_PI_clamp_fixdt PI_clamp_fixdt_iq; /* '<S45>/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq' */
DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_c PI_clamp_fixdt_n_o;/* '<S44>/PI_clamp_fixdt_n' */
DW_Low_Pass_Filter Low_Pass_Filter_m;/* '<S37>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
DW_PI_clamp_fixdt PI_clamp_fixdt_id; /* '<S46>/PI_clamp_fixdt_id' */
DW_Counter Counter_e; /* '<S10>/Counter' */
int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '<S34>/UnitDelay' */
int16_T Gain4[3]; /* '<S39>/Gain4' */
int16_T Sum1[2]; /* '<S50>/Sum1' */
int16_T z_counterRawPrev; /* '<S13>/z_counterRawPrev' */
int16_T Merge; /* '<S5>/Merge' */
int16_T Divide1; /* '<S46>/Divide1' */
int16_T Divide4; /* '<S45>/Divide4' */
int16_T Switch1; /* '<S66>/Switch1' */
int16_T Divide11; /* '<S16>/Divide11' */
int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE; /* '<S11>/UnitDelay3' */
int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE; /* '<S6>/UnitDelay4' */
int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE_p; /* '<S16>/UnitDelay4' */
int16_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE; /* '<S16>/UnitDelay2' */
int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE_o; /* '<S16>/UnitDelay3' */
int16_T UnitDelay5_DSTATE; /* '<S16>/UnitDelay5' */
int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE_e; /* '<S11>/UnitDelay4' */
int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE_er; /* '<S5>/UnitDelay4' */
int8_T Switch2; /* '<S10>/Switch2' */
int8_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE_b; /* '<S10>/UnitDelay2' */
int16_T Divide1; /* '<S52>/Divide1' */
int16_T Divide4; /* '<S51>/Divide4' */
int16_T Switch1; /* '<S68>/Switch1' */
int16_T Divide11; /* '<S13>/Divide11' */
int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE; /* '<S10>/UnitDelay3' */
int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE; /* '<S13>/UnitDelay4' */
int16_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE; /* '<S13>/UnitDelay2' */
int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE_o; /* '<S13>/UnitDelay3' */
int16_T UnitDelay5_DSTATE; /* '<S13>/UnitDelay5' */
int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE_e; /* '<S10>/UnitDelay4' */
int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE_eu; /* '<S6>/UnitDelay4' */
int8_T Switch2; /* '<S9>/Switch2' */
int8_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE_b; /* '<S9>/UnitDelay2' */
int8_T If2_ActiveSubsystem; /* '<S1>/If2' */
int8_T If2_ActiveSubsystem_j; /* '<S27>/If2' */
int8_T If1_ActiveSubsystem; /* '<S1>/If1' */
int8_T If2_ActiveSubsystem_a; /* '<S5>/If2' */
int8_T If1_ActiveSubsystem_e; /* '<S5>/If1' */
int8_T If1_ActiveSubsystem_f; /* '<S35>/If1' */
int8_T If2_ActiveSubsystem_c; /* '<S35>/If2' */
int8_T If1_ActiveSubsystem_f; /* '<S41>/If1' */
int8_T If2_ActiveSubsystem_c; /* '<S41>/If2' */
int8_T SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem; /* '<S5>/Switch Case' */
uint8_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE_fy; /* '<S8>/UnitDelay3' */
uint8_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '<S8>/UnitDelay1' */
uint8_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE_f; /* '<S8>/UnitDelay2' */
uint8_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE_fy; /* '<S7>/UnitDelay3' */
uint8_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '<S7>/UnitDelay1' */
uint8_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE_f; /* '<S7>/UnitDelay2' */
uint8_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE_p; /* '<S4>/UnitDelay1' */
uint8_T UnitDelay_DSTATE_c; /* '<S3>/UnitDelay' */
uint8_T is_active_c1_BLDC_controller;/* '<S4>/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' */
uint8_T is_c1_BLDC_controller; /* '<S4>/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' */
uint8_T is_ACTIVE; /* '<S4>/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' */
boolean_T Merge_n; /* '<S18>/Merge' */
boolean_T dz_cntTrnsDet; /* '<S16>/dz_cntTrnsDet' */
boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE_g; /* '<S50>/UnitDelay' */
boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE_n; /* '<S16>/UnitDelay1' */
boolean_T n_commDeacv_Mode; /* '<S11>/n_commDeacv' */
boolean_T n_fieldWeakAuth_Mode; /* '<S32>/n_fieldWeakAuth' */
boolean_T dz_cntTrnsDet_Mode; /* '<S16>/dz_cntTrnsDet' */
boolean_T Merge_n; /* '<S15>/Merge' */
boolean_T dz_cntTrnsDet; /* '<S13>/dz_cntTrnsDet' */
boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE_e; /* '<S33>/UnitDelay' */
boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE_n; /* '<S13>/UnitDelay1' */
boolean_T n_commDeacv_Mode; /* '<S10>/n_commDeacv' */
boolean_T n_fieldWeakAuth_Mode; /* '<S38>/n_fieldWeakAuth' */
boolean_T n_fieldWeakAuth_Mode_m; /* '<S73>/n_fieldWeakAuth' */
boolean_T dz_cntTrnsDet_Mode; /* '<S13>/dz_cntTrnsDet' */
} DW;
/* Constant parameters (auto storage) */
typedef struct {
/* Computed Parameter: z_commutMap_M1_table
* Referenced by: '<S6>/z_commutMap_M1'
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin3PhaA_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S71>/r_sin3PhaA_M1'
int16_T z_commutMap_M1_table[18];
int16_T r_sin3PhaA_M1_Table[181];
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin3PhaB_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S71>/r_sin3PhaB_M1'
int16_T r_sin3PhaB_M1_Table[181];
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin3PhaC_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S71>/r_sin3PhaC_M1'
int16_T r_sin3PhaC_M1_Table[181];
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_sin_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S38>/r_sin_M1'
int16_T r_sin_M1_Table[181];
/* Computed Parameter: r_cos_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_cos_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S38>/r_cos_M1'
int16_T r_cos_M1_Table[181];
/* Computed Parameter: iq_maxSca_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S35>/iq_maxSca_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S41>/iq_maxSca_M1'
uint16_T iq_maxSca_M1_Table[50];
/* Computed Parameter: z_commutMap_M1_table
* Referenced by: '<S70>/z_commutMap_M1'
int8_T z_commutMap_M1_table[18];
/* Computed Parameter: vec_hallToPos_Value
* Referenced by: '<S9>/vec_hallToPos'
* Referenced by: '<S8>/vec_hallToPos'
int8_T vec_hallToPos_Value[8];
} ConstP;
@ -178,27 +194,24 @@ typedef struct {
/* Parameters (auto storage) */
struct P_ {
int32_T dV_openRate; /* Variable: dV_openRate
* Referenced by: '<S36>/dV_openRate'
* Referenced by: '<S31>/dV_openRate'
int16_T dz_cntTrnsDetHi; /* Variable: dz_cntTrnsDetHi
* Referenced by: '<S16>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
* Referenced by: '<S13>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
int16_T dz_cntTrnsDetLo; /* Variable: dz_cntTrnsDetLo
* Referenced by: '<S16>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
int16_T r_errInpTgtThres; /* Variable: r_errInpTgtThres
* Referenced by: '<S3>/r_errInpTgtThres'
* Referenced by: '<S13>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
int16_T z_maxCntRst; /* Variable: z_maxCntRst
* Referenced by:
* '<S11>/Counter'
* '<S11>/z_maxCntRst'
* '<S11>/z_maxCntRst2'
* '<S11>/UnitDelay3'
* '<S16>/z_counter'
* '<S10>/Counter'
* '<S10>/z_maxCntRst'
* '<S10>/z_maxCntRst2'
* '<S10>/UnitDelay3'
* '<S13>/z_counter'
uint16_T cf_speedCoef; /* Variable: cf_speedCoef
* Referenced by: '<S16>/cf_speedCoef'
* Referenced by: '<S13>/cf_speedCoef'
uint16_T t_errDequal; /* Variable: t_errDequal
* Referenced by: '<S3>/t_errDequal'
@ -206,77 +219,90 @@ struct P_ {
uint16_T t_errQual; /* Variable: t_errQual
* Referenced by: '<S3>/t_errQual'
uint16_T cf_idKp; /* Variable: cf_idKp
* Referenced by: '<S40>/cf_idKp1'
uint16_T cf_iqKp; /* Variable: cf_iqKp
* Referenced by: '<S39>/cf_iqKp'
uint16_T cf_nKp; /* Variable: cf_nKp
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_nKp'
int16_T Vd_max; /* Variable: Vd_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/Vd_max1'
* '<S14>/Vd_max'
* '<S41>/Vd_max1'
* '<S30>/Vd_max'
int16_T Vq_max_M1[46]; /* Variable: Vq_max_M1
* Referenced by: '<S35>/Vq_max_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S41>/Vq_max_M1'
int16_T Vq_max_XA[46]; /* Variable: Vq_max_XA
* Referenced by: '<S35>/Vq_max_XA'
* Referenced by: '<S41>/Vq_max_XA'
int16_T i_max; /* Variable: i_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/i_max'
* '<S14>/i_max'
* '<S41>/i_max'
* '<S30>/i_max'
int16_T id_fieldWeak_M1[12]; /* Variable: id_fieldWeak_M1
* Referenced by: '<S32>/id_fieldWeak_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S38>/id_fieldWeak_M1'
int16_T n_commAcvLo; /* Variable: n_commAcvLo
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_commDeacv'
* Referenced by: '<S10>/n_commDeacv'
int16_T n_commDeacvHi; /* Variable: n_commDeacvHi
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_commDeacv'
* Referenced by: '<S10>/n_commDeacv'
int16_T n_fieldWeakAuthHi; /* Variable: n_fieldWeakAuthHi
* Referenced by: '<S32>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
* Referenced by:
* '<S38>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
* '<S73>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
int16_T n_fieldWeakAuthLo; /* Variable: n_fieldWeakAuthLo
* Referenced by: '<S32>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
* Referenced by:
* '<S38>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
* '<S73>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
int16_T n_max; /* Variable: n_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/n_max1'
* '<S14>/n_max'
* '<S41>/n_max1'
* '<S30>/n_max'
int16_T n_stdStillDet; /* Variable: n_stdStillDet
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_stdStillDet'
* Referenced by: '<S10>/n_stdStillDet'
int16_T r_errInpTgtThres; /* Variable: r_errInpTgtThres
* Referenced by: '<S3>/r_errInpTgtThres'
int16_T r_fieldWeak_XA[12]; /* Variable: r_fieldWeak_XA
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_fieldWeak_XA'
* Referenced by: '<S38>/r_fieldWeak_XA'
int16_T r_phaAdv_XA[11]; /* Variable: r_phaAdv_XA
* Referenced by: '<S73>/r_phaAdv_XA'
uint16_T cf_idKp; /* Variable: cf_idKp
* Referenced by: '<S46>/cf_idKp1'
uint16_T cf_iqKp; /* Variable: cf_iqKp
* Referenced by: '<S45>/cf_iqKp'
uint16_T cf_nKp; /* Variable: cf_nKp
* Referenced by: '<S44>/cf_nKp'
uint16_T cf_currFilt; /* Variable: cf_currFilt
* Referenced by: '<S31>/cf_currFilt'
* Referenced by: '<S37>/cf_currFilt'
uint16_T cf_idKi; /* Variable: cf_idKi
* Referenced by: '<S40>/cf_idKi1'
* Referenced by: '<S46>/cf_idKi1'
uint16_T cf_iqKi; /* Variable: cf_iqKi
* Referenced by: '<S39>/cf_iqKi'
* Referenced by: '<S45>/cf_iqKi'
uint16_T cf_iqKiLimProt; /* Variable: cf_iqKiLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_iqKiLimProt'
* Referenced by: '<S44>/cf_iqKiLimProt'
uint16_T cf_nKi; /* Variable: cf_nKi
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_nKi'
* Referenced by: '<S44>/cf_nKi'
uint16_T cf_iqKpLimProt; /* Variable: cf_iqKpLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S45>/cf_iqKpLimProt'
* Referenced by: '<S51>/cf_iqKpLimProt'
uint16_T cf_nKpLimProt; /* Variable: cf_nKpLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S46>/cf_nKpLimProt'
* Referenced by: '<S52>/cf_nKpLimProt'
int16_T a_phaAdv_M1[11]; /* Variable: a_phaAdv_M1
* Referenced by: '<S73>/a_phaAdv_M1'
uint8_T z_ctrlTypSel; /* Variable: z_ctrlTypSel
* Referenced by: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel1'
@ -285,10 +311,12 @@ struct P_ {
* Referenced by: '<S1>/b_diagEna'
boolean_T b_fieldWeakEna; /* Variable: b_fieldWeakEna
* Referenced by: '<S32>/b_fieldWeakEna'
* Referenced by:
* '<S38>/b_fieldWeakEna'
* '<S73>/b_fieldWeakEna'
boolean_T b_selPhaABCurrMeas; /* Variable: b_selPhaABCurrMeas
* Referenced by: '<S30>/b_selPhaABCurrMeas'
* Referenced by: '<S36>/b_selPhaABCurrMeas'
@ -313,26 +341,24 @@ extern void BLDC_controller_step(RT_MODEL *const rtM);
* These blocks were eliminated from the model due to optimizations:
* Block '<S11>/Scope2' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S12>/Scope' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S47>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S47>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S48>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S48>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S52>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S52>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S10>/Scope2' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S11>/Scope' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S35>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S35>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S53>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S53>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S54>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S54>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S5>/Scope12' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S5>/Scope8' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S5>/Scope9' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S58>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S58>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S63>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S63>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S67>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S67>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S1>/Data Type Conversion2' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
* Block '<S1>/Data Type Conversion3' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
* Block '<S1>/Data Type Conversion6' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion
* Block '<S60>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S60>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S65>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S65>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S69>/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S69>/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination
* Block '<S73>/Scope' : Unused code path elimination
@ -359,67 +385,74 @@ extern void BLDC_controller_step(RT_MODEL *const rtM);
* '<S4>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager'
* '<S5>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control'
* '<S6>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F05_Control_Type_Management'
* '<S7>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_01_Input_Scaling'
* '<S8>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_02_Edge_Detector'
* '<S9>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_03_Position_Calculation'
* '<S10>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_04_Direction_Detection'
* '<S11>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Speed_Estimation'
* '<S12>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_06_Electrical_Angle_Estimation'
* '<S13>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_01_Input_Scaling/Commutation_Control_Type'
* '<S14>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_01_Input_Scaling/FOC_Control_Type'
* '<S15>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Speed_Estimation/Counter'
* '<S16>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Speed_Estimation/Raw_Motor_Speed_Estimation'
* '<S17>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Speed_Estimation/Counter/rst_Delay'
* '<S18>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter'
* '<S19>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/either_edge'
* '<S20>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Default'
* '<S21>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification'
* '<S22>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification'
* '<S23>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/either_edge'
* '<S24>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification/Counter'
* '<S25>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification/Counter/rst_Delay'
* '<S26>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification/Counter'
* '<S27>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification/Counter/rst_Delay'
* '<S28>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_01_Mode_Transition_Calculation'
* '<S29>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager'
* '<S30>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform'
* '<S31>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Current_Filtering'
* '<S32>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Field_Weakening'
* '<S33>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Inv_Clarke_Transform'
* '<S34>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Inv_Park_Transform'
* '<S35>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations'
* '<S36>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode'
* '<S37>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Park_Transform'
* '<S38>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode'
* '<S39>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode'
* '<S40>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation'
* '<S41>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Voltage_Mode'
* '<S42>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform/Clarke_PhasesAB'
* '<S43>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform/Clarke_PhasesBC'
* '<S44>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Current_Filtering/Low_Pass_Filter'
* '<S45>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Current_Limit_Protection'
* '<S46>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Speed_Limit_Protection'
* '<S47>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Current_Limit_Protection/Saturation Dynamic'
* '<S48>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Speed_Limit_Protection/Saturation Dynamic1'
* '<S49>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter'
* '<S50>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode/rising_edge_init'
* '<S51>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter/Delay_Init1'
* '<S52>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter/Saturation Dynamic'
* '<S53>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n'
* '<S54>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Clamping_circuit'
* '<S55>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Integrator'
* '<S56>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Saturation_hit'
* '<S57>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq'
* '<S58>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/Saturation Dynamic'
* '<S59>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Clamping_circuit'
* '<S60>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Integrator'
* '<S61>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Saturation_hit'
* '<S62>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id'
* '<S63>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/Saturation Dynamic'
* '<S64>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Clamping_circuit'
* '<S65>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Integrator'
* '<S66>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Saturation_hit'
* '<S67>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Voltage_Mode/Saturation Dynamic1'
* '<S7>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_01_Edge_Detector'
* '<S8>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_02_Position_Calculation'
* '<S9>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_03_Direction_Detection'
* '<S10>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_04_Speed_Estimation'
* '<S11>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Electrical_Angle_Estimation'
* '<S12>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_04_Speed_Estimation/Counter'
* '<S13>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_04_Speed_Estimation/Raw_Motor_Speed_Estimation'
* '<S14>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_04_Speed_Estimation/Counter/rst_Delay'
* '<S15>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter'
* '<S16>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/either_edge'
* '<S17>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Default'
* '<S18>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification'
* '<S19>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification'
* '<S20>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/either_edge'
* '<S21>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification/Counter'
* '<S22>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification/Counter/rst_Delay'
* '<S23>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification/Counter'
* '<S24>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification/Counter/rst_Delay'
* '<S25>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_01_Mode_Transition_Calculation'
* '<S26>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager'
* '<S27>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis'
* '<S28>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis/Default_Control_Type'
* '<S29>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis/Default_Mode'
* '<S30>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis/FOC_Control_Type'
* '<S31>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis/Open_Mode'
* '<S32>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter'
* '<S33>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis/Open_Mode/rising_edge_init'
* '<S34>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter/Delay_Init1'
* '<S35>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_03_Input_Target_Synthesis/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter/Saturation Dynamic'
* '<S36>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform'
* '<S37>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Current_Filtering'
* '<S38>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Field_Weakening'
* '<S39>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Inv_Clarke_Transform'
* '<S40>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Inv_Park_Transform'
* '<S41>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations'
* '<S42>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode'
* '<S43>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Park_Transform'
* '<S44>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode'
* '<S45>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode'
* '<S46>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation'
* '<S47>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Voltage_Mode'
* '<S48>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform/Clarke_PhasesAB'
* '<S49>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform/Clarke_PhasesBC'
* '<S50>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Current_Filtering/Low_Pass_Filter'
* '<S51>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Current_Limit_Protection'
* '<S52>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Speed_Limit_Protection'
* '<S53>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Current_Limit_Protection/Saturation Dynamic'
* '<S54>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Speed_Limit_Protection/Saturation Dynamic1'
* '<S55>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n'
* '<S56>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Clamping_circuit'
* '<S57>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Integrator'
* '<S58>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Saturation_hit'
* '<S59>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq'
* '<S60>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/Saturation Dynamic'
* '<S61>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Clamping_circuit'
* '<S62>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Integrator'
* '<S63>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Saturation_hit'
* '<S64>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id'
* '<S65>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/Saturation Dynamic'
* '<S66>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Clamping_circuit'
* '<S67>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Integrator'
* '<S68>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Saturation_hit'
* '<S69>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Voltage_Mode/Saturation Dynamic1'
* '<S70>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F05_Control_Type_Management/F05_00_COM_Method'
* '<S71>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F05_Control_Type_Management/F05_01_SIN_Method'
* '<S72>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F05_Control_Type_Management/F05_02_FOC_Method'
* '<S73>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F05_Control_Type_Management/F05_01_SIN_Method/Phase_Advance_Calculation'
* '<S74>' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F05_Control_Type_Management/F05_01_SIN_Method/Phase_Advance_Calculation/Modulo_fixdt'
#endif /* RTW_HEADER_BLDC_controller_h_ */
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
// ############################### MOTOR CONTROL (overwrite) #########################
#define CTRL_TYP_SEL 1 // [-] Control type selection: 0 = Commutation , 1 = FOC Field Oriented Control (default)
#define CTRL_MOD_REQ 1 // [-] Control mode request: 0 = Open mode, 1 = Voltage mode (default), 2 = Speed mode, 3 = Torque mode
#define CTRL_TYP_SEL 2 // [-] Control type selection: 0 = Commutation , 1 = Sinusoidal, 2 = FOC Field Oriented Control (default)
#define CTRL_MOD_REQ 1 // [-] Control mode request: 0 = Open mode, 1 = VOLTAGE mode (default), 2 = SPEED mode, 3 = TORQUE mode. Note: SPEED and TORQUE modes are only available for FOC!
#define DIAG_ENA 1 // [-] Motor Diagnostics enable flag: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (default)
#define FIELD_WEAK_ENA 0 // [-] Field Weakening enable flag: 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enabled
#define I_MOT_MAX (15 * A2BIT_CONV) << 4 // [A] Maximum motor current limit (Change only the first number, the rest is needed for fixed-point conversion, fixdt(1,16,4))
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Code generated for Simulink model 'BLDC_controller'.
* Model version : 1.1197
* Model version : 1.1212
* Simulink Coder version : 8.13 (R2017b) 24-Jul-2017
* C/C++ source code generated on : Thu Oct 31 21:29:42 2019
* C/C++ source code generated on : Sat Nov 30 08:54:28 2019
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ The main firmware architecture includes:
- **Diagnostics**: implements error detection such as unconnected Hall sensor, motor blocked, MOSFET defective
- **Control Manager**: manages the transitions between control modes (Voltage, Speed, Torque)
- **FOC Algorithm**: implements the FOC strategy
- **Control Type Manager**: Manages the transition between Commutation and FOC Algorithm
- **Control Type Manager**: Manages the transition between Commutation, Sinusoidal, and FOC control type

@ -29,15 +29,17 @@ The FOC algorithm architecture is illustrated in the figure below:

In this firmware two control methods are available:
- Commutation method
- FOC method
In this firmware 3 control types are available:
- Commutation
- SIN (Sinusoidal)
- FOC (Field Oriented Control)

A short video showing the noise performance of the Commutation method vs Advanced control method:
[►Video: Commutation method vs Advanced control](
Demo videos:
[►Video: Commutation vs Advanced control (constant speed)](
[►Video: Commutation vs Advanced control (variable speed)](
[►Video: Reliable Serial Communication demo](

@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ Each motor is constantly monitored for errors. These errors are:
- **Error 002**: Hall sensor short circuit
- **Error 004**: Motor NOT able to spin (Possible causes: motor phase disconnected, MOSFET defective, operational Amplifier defective, motor blocked)
The error codes above are reported for each motor in the variables **errCode_Left** and **errCode_Right** for Left motor (long wired motor) and Right motor (short wired motor), respectively.
The error codes above are reported for each motor in the variables **errCode_Left** and **errCode_Right** for Left motor (long wired motor) and Right motor (short wired motor), respectively. In case of error, the motor power is reduced to 0, while an audible (fast beep) can be heard to notify the user.
@ -146,9 +148,6 @@ Currently supported: Wii Nunchuck, analog potentiometer and PPM-Sum signal from
A good example of control via UART, eg. from an Arduino or raspberryPi, can be found here:
### Future work
- convert all calculations and remaining filters (for the battery voltage, current, and temperature) from floating point to fixed-point. This will reduce further the SMT32 computational load -> **DONE**
## Acknowledgements
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
* Code generated for Simulink model 'BLDC_controller'.
* Model version : 1.1199
* Model version : 1.1212
* Simulink Coder version : 8.13 (R2017b) 24-Jul-2017
* C/C++ source code generated on : Sun Nov 3 12:28:16 2019
* C/C++ source code generated on : Sat Nov 30 08:54:28 2019
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
@ -21,13 +21,74 @@
/* Constant parameters (auto storage) */
const ConstP rtConstP = {
/* Computed Parameter: z_commutMap_M1_table
* Referenced by: '<S6>/z_commutMap_M1'
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin3PhaA_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S71>/r_sin3PhaA_M1'
{ -1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1 },
{ -13091, -13634, -14126, -14565, -14953, -15289, -15577, -15816, -16009,
-16159, -16269, -16340, -16377, -16383, -16362, -16317, -16253, -16172,
-16079, -15977, -15870, -15762, -15656, -15555, -15461, -15377, -15306,
-15248, -15206, -15180, -15172, -15180, -15206, -15248, -15306, -15377,
-15461, -15555, -15656, -15762, -15870, -15977, -16079, -16172, -16253,
-16317, -16362, -16383, -16377, -16340, -16269, -16159, -16009, -15816,
-15577, -15289, -14953, -14565, -14126, -13634, -13091, -12496, -11849,
-11154, -10411, -9623, -8791, -7921, -7014, -6075, -5107, -4115, -3104,
-2077, -1041, 0, 1041, 2077, 3104, 4115, 5107, 6075, 7014, 7921, 8791, 9623,
10411, 11154, 11849, 12496, 13091, 13634, 14126, 14565, 14953, 15289, 15577,
15816, 16009, 16159, 16269, 16340, 16377, 16383, 16362, 16317, 16253, 16172,
16079, 15977, 15870, 15762, 15656, 15555, 15461, 15377, 15306, 15248, 15206,
15180, 15172, 15180, 15206, 15248, 15306, 15377, 15461, 15555, 15656, 15762,
15870, 15977, 16079, 16172, 16253, 16317, 16362, 16383, 16377, 16340, 16269,
16159, 16009, 15816, 15577, 15289, 14953, 14565, 14126, 13634, 13091, 12496,
11849, 11154, 10411, 9623, 8791, 7921, 7014, 6075, 5107, 4115, 3104, 2077,
1041, 0, -1041, -2077, -3104, -4115, -5107, -6075, -7014, -7921, -8791,
-9623, -10411, -11154, -11849, -12496, -13091 },
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin3PhaB_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S71>/r_sin3PhaB_M1'
{ 15172, 15180, 15206, 15248, 15306, 15377, 15461, 15555, 15656, 15762, 15870,
15977, 16079, 16172, 16253, 16317, 16362, 16383, 16377, 16340, 16269, 16159,
16009, 15816, 15577, 15289, 14953, 14565, 14126, 13634, 13091, 12496, 11849,
11154, 10411, 9623, 8791, 7921, 7014, 6075, 5107, 4115, 3104, 2077, 1041, 0,
-1041, -2077, -3104, -4115, -5107, -6075, -7014, -7921, -8791, -9623, -10411,
-11154, -11849, -12496, -13091, -13634, -14126, -14565, -14953, -15289,
-15577, -15816, -16009, -16159, -16269, -16340, -16377, -16383, -16362,
-16317, -16253, -16172, -16079, -15977, -15870, -15762, -15656, -15555,
-15461, -15377, -15306, -15248, -15206, -15180, -15172, -15180, -15206,
-15248, -15306, -15377, -15461, -15555, -15656, -15762, -15870, -15977,
-16079, -16172, -16253, -16317, -16362, -16383, -16377, -16340, -16269,
-16159, -16009, -15816, -15577, -15289, -14953, -14565, -14126, -13634,
-13091, -12496, -11849, -11154, -10411, -9623, -8791, -7921, -7014, -6075,
-5107, -4115, -3104, -2077, -1041, 0, 1041, 2077, 3104, 4115, 5107, 6075,
7014, 7921, 8791, 9623, 10411, 11154, 11849, 12496, 13091, 13634, 14126,
14565, 14953, 15289, 15577, 15816, 16009, 16159, 16269, 16340, 16377, 16383,
16362, 16317, 16253, 16172, 16079, 15977, 15870, 15762, 15656, 15555, 15461,
15377, 15306, 15248, 15206, 15180, 15172 },
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin3PhaC_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S71>/r_sin3PhaC_M1'
{ -13091, -12496, -11849, -11154, -10411, -9623, -8791, -7921, -7014, -6075,
-5107, -4115, -3104, -2077, -1041, 0, 1041, 2077, 3104, 4115, 5107, 6075,
7014, 7921, 8791, 9623, 10411, 11154, 11849, 12496, 13091, 13634, 14126,
14565, 14953, 15289, 15577, 15816, 16009, 16159, 16269, 16340, 16377, 16383,
16362, 16317, 16253, 16172, 16079, 15977, 15870, 15762, 15656, 15555, 15461,
15377, 15306, 15248, 15206, 15180, 15172, 15180, 15206, 15248, 15306, 15377,
15461, 15555, 15656, 15762, 15870, 15977, 16079, 16172, 16253, 16317, 16362,
16383, 16377, 16340, 16269, 16159, 16009, 15816, 15577, 15289, 14953, 14565,
14126, 13634, 13091, 12496, 11849, 11154, 10411, 9623, 8791, 7921, 7014,
6075, 5107, 4115, 3104, 2077, 1041, 0, -1041, -2077, -3104, -4115, -5107,
-6075, -7014, -7921, -8791, -9623, -10411, -11154, -11849, -12496, -13091,
-13634, -14126, -14565, -14953, -15289, -15577, -15816, -16009, -16159,
-16269, -16340, -16377, -16383, -16362, -16317, -16253, -16172, -16079,
-15977, -15870, -15762, -15656, -15555, -15461, -15377, -15306, -15248,
-15206, -15180, -15172, -15180, -15206, -15248, -15306, -15377, -15461,
-15555, -15656, -15762, -15870, -15977, -16079, -16172, -16253, -16317,
-16362, -16383, -16377, -16340, -16269, -16159, -16009, -15816, -15577,
-15289, -14953, -14565, -14126, -13634, -13091 },
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_sin_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S38>/r_sin_M1'
{ 8192, 8682, 9162, 9630, 10087, 10531, 10963, 11381, 11786, 12176, 12551,
12911, 13255, 13583, 13894, 14189, 14466, 14726, 14968, 15191, 15396, 15582,
@ -48,7 +109,7 @@ const ConstP rtConstP = {
2280, 2845, 3406, 3964, 4516, 5063, 5604, 6138, 6664, 7182, 7692, 8192 },
/* Computed Parameter: r_cos_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_cos_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S38>/r_cos_M1'
{ 14189, 13894, 13583, 13255, 12911, 12551, 12176, 11786, 11381, 10963, 10531,
10087, 9630, 9162, 8682, 8192, 7692, 7182, 6664, 6138, 5604, 5063, 4516,
@ -69,7 +130,7 @@ const ConstP rtConstP = {
16026, 15897, 15749, 15582, 15396, 15191, 14968, 14726, 14466, 14189 },
/* Computed Parameter: iq_maxSca_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S35>/iq_maxSca_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S41>/iq_maxSca_M1'
{ 65535U, 65523U, 65484U, 65418U, 65326U, 65207U, 65062U, 64890U, 64691U,
64465U, 64211U, 63930U, 63620U, 63281U, 62913U, 62516U, 62088U, 61630U,
@ -78,45 +139,45 @@ const ConstP rtConstP = {
45470U, 44069U, 42581U, 40997U, 39307U, 37494U, 35541U, 33422U, 31105U,
28540U, 25655U, 22323U, 18304U, 12974U },
/* Computed Parameter: z_commutMap_M1_table
* Referenced by: '<S70>/z_commutMap_M1'
{ -1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1 },
/* Computed Parameter: vec_hallToPos_Value
* Referenced by: '<S9>/vec_hallToPos'
* Referenced by: '<S8>/vec_hallToPos'
{ 0, 2, 0, 1, 4, 3, 5, 0 }
P rtP_Left = {
/* Variable: dV_openRate
* Referenced by: '<S36>/dV_openRate'
* Referenced by: '<S31>/dV_openRate'
/* Variable: dz_cntTrnsDetHi
* Referenced by: '<S16>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
* Referenced by: '<S13>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
/* Variable: dz_cntTrnsDetLo
* Referenced by: '<S16>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
* Referenced by: '<S13>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
/* Variable: r_errInpTgtThres
* Referenced by: '<S3>/r_errInpTgtThres'
/* Variable: z_maxCntRst
* Referenced by:
* '<S11>/Counter'
* '<S11>/z_maxCntRst'
* '<S11>/z_maxCntRst2'
* '<S11>/UnitDelay3'
* '<S16>/z_counter'
* '<S10>/Counter'
* '<S10>/z_maxCntRst'
* '<S10>/z_maxCntRst2'
* '<S10>/UnitDelay3'
* '<S13>/z_counter'
/* Variable: cf_speedCoef
* Referenced by: '<S16>/cf_speedCoef'
* Referenced by: '<S13>/cf_speedCoef'
@ -130,30 +191,15 @@ P rtP_Left = {
/* Variable: cf_idKp
* Referenced by: '<S40>/cf_idKp1'
/* Variable: cf_iqKp
* Referenced by: '<S39>/cf_iqKp'
/* Variable: cf_nKp
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_nKp'
/* Variable: Vd_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/Vd_max1'
* '<S14>/Vd_max'
* '<S41>/Vd_max1'
* '<S30>/Vd_max'
/* Variable: Vq_max_M1
* Referenced by: '<S35>/Vq_max_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S41>/Vq_max_M1'
{ 14400, 14396, 14386, 14368, 14343, 14311, 14271, 14225, 14171, 14109, 14040,
13963, 13879, 13786, 13685, 13576, 13459, 13333, 13198, 13053, 12900, 12736,
@ -161,7 +207,7 @@ P rtP_Left = {
9790, 9433, 9051, 8640, 8196, 7713, 7184, 6597, 5935, 5170, 4245, 3019, 0 },
/* Variable: Vq_max_XA
* Referenced by: '<S35>/Vq_max_XA'
* Referenced by: '<S41>/Vq_max_XA'
{ 0, 320, 640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2240, 2560, 2880, 3200, 3520, 3840, 4160,
4480, 4800, 5120, 5440, 5760, 6080, 6400, 6720, 7040, 7360, 7680, 8000, 8320,
@ -170,93 +216,127 @@ P rtP_Left = {
/* Variable: i_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/i_max'
* '<S14>/i_max'
* '<S41>/i_max'
* '<S30>/i_max'
/* Variable: id_fieldWeak_M1
* Referenced by: '<S32>/id_fieldWeak_M1'
* Referenced by: '<S38>/id_fieldWeak_M1'
{ 0, 80, 240, 560, 1040, 1680, 2400, 3040, 3520, 3840, 4000, 4000 },
/* Variable: n_commAcvLo
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_commDeacv'
* Referenced by: '<S10>/n_commDeacv'
/* Variable: n_commDeacvHi
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_commDeacv'
* Referenced by: '<S10>/n_commDeacv'
/* Variable: n_fieldWeakAuthHi
* Referenced by: '<S32>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
* Referenced by:
* '<S38>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
* '<S73>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
/* Variable: n_fieldWeakAuthLo
* Referenced by: '<S32>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
* Referenced by:
* '<S38>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
* '<S73>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
/* Variable: n_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/n_max1'
* '<S14>/n_max'
* '<S41>/n_max1'
* '<S30>/n_max'
/* Variable: n_stdStillDet
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_stdStillDet'
* Referenced by: '<S10>/n_stdStillDet'
/* Variable: r_errInpTgtThres
* Referenced by: '<S3>/r_errInpTgtThres'
/* Variable: r_fieldWeak_XA
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_fieldWeak_XA'
* Referenced by: '<S38>/r_fieldWeak_XA'
{ 9120, 9600, 10080, 10560, 11040, 11520, 12000, 12480, 12960, 13440, 13920,
14400 },
/* Variable: r_phaAdv_XA
* Referenced by: '<S73>/r_phaAdv_XA'
{ 0, 1600, 3200, 4800, 6400, 8000, 9600, 11200, 12800, 14400, 16000 },
/* Variable: cf_idKp
* Referenced by: '<S46>/cf_idKp1'
/* Variable: cf_iqKp
* Referenced by: '<S45>/cf_iqKp'
/* Variable: cf_nKp
* Referenced by: '<S44>/cf_nKp'
/* Variable: cf_currFilt
* Referenced by: '<S31>/cf_currFilt'
* Referenced by: '<S37>/cf_currFilt'
/* Variable: cf_idKi
* Referenced by: '<S40>/cf_idKi1'
* Referenced by: '<S46>/cf_idKi1'
/* Variable: cf_iqKi
* Referenced by: '<S39>/cf_iqKi'
* Referenced by: '<S45>/cf_iqKi'
/* Variable: cf_iqKiLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_iqKiLimProt'
* Referenced by: '<S44>/cf_iqKiLimProt'
/* Variable: cf_nKi
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_nKi'
* Referenced by: '<S44>/cf_nKi'
/* Variable: cf_iqKpLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S45>/cf_iqKpLimProt'
* Referenced by: '<S51>/cf_iqKpLimProt'
/* Variable: cf_nKpLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S46>/cf_nKpLimProt'
* Referenced by: '<S52>/cf_nKpLimProt'
/* Variable: a_phaAdv_M1
* Referenced by: '<S73>/a_phaAdv_M1'
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512, 768, 1280, 2304, 4096, 6400 },
/* Variable: z_ctrlTypSel
* Referenced by: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel1'
/* Variable: b_diagEna
* Referenced by: '<S1>/b_diagEna'
@ -264,12 +344,14 @@ P rtP_Left = {
/* Variable: b_fieldWeakEna
* Referenced by: '<S32>/b_fieldWeakEna'
* Referenced by:
* '<S38>/b_fieldWeakEna'
* '<S73>/b_fieldWeakEna'
/* Variable: b_selPhaABCurrMeas
* Referenced by: '<S30>/b_selPhaABCurrMeas'
* Referenced by: '<S36>/b_selPhaABCurrMeas'
}; /* Modifiable parameters */
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ typedef struct{
uint16_t checksum;
} Serialcommand;
static volatile Serialcommand command;
static int16_t timeoutCnt = 0 // Timeout counter for Rx Serial command
static int16_t timeoutCnt = 0; // Timeout counter for Rx Serial command
static uint8_t timeoutFlag = 0; // Timeout Flag for Rx Serial command: 0 = OK, 1 = Problem detected (line disconnected or wrong Rx data)
@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ static uint8_t serialSendCounter; // serial send counter
static uint8_t button1, button2;
uint8_t ctrlModReq = CTRL_MOD_REQ;
uint8_t ctrlModReqRaw = CTRL_MOD_REQ;
uint8_t ctrlModReq; // Final control mode request
static int cmd1; // normalized input value. -1000 to 1000
static int cmd2; // normalized input value. -1000 to 1000
static int16_t steer; // local variable for steering. -1000 to 1000
@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ int main(void) {
cmd1 = 0;
cmd2 = 0;
} else {
ctrlModReq = CTRL_MOD_REQ; // Follow the Mode request
ctrlModReq = ctrlModReqRaw; // Follow the Mode request
timeout = 0;
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